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About iPodKingCarter:
NBA 2K player, gamer, tech unboxer, tutorial Junkie, and Podcast Fiend.
I have been gaming since I was 5 and making videos since NBA 2K11. I mostly like my 2K and EA gameplays but stick around as I branch out to other PC games like GTA 5, Apex, and more!. I love to game and have fun and even sometimes scream at my monitor here and there, so have fun along with me!
EA SPORTS UFC Career Mode FACECAM: UFC 222 VS. Shogun Rua Ep. 21 (PS4 Gameplay) | iPodKingCarter
Cheesey knees skills ipod
It might not be on pro but not easy either in my opinion I think he has it on pro he might just be really good at this game btw I'm A boy this is my sisters account
Cheesy knees 30 seconds man
You got that in easy mode.. That will never happen in hardcore..LoL
Was that Eminem's Rap God beat?
I can't hear the auto
Chessy knees
bullshit!!! anderson silva would NEVER loose to fucking lee!!
cheesy knees
cheesy knees
Please bring back the game audio and not the music
That's The beat to Eminem's Rap God right?
Try that shit on pro. He blocks everything.
Cheesy knees
You and gento be chesse'n with knees lol
Them cheesy knees tho
Ok u got cheesy knees
Cheesy knees braw
that had to be like 12 sec
That's rap god
new move you said that a few videos ago and it was the exact same move
i like those gunnars im more of a of a blue guy myself but i aint talking
Cheesy Knees
the cheese
A great chin? Pause ipod
Noo he wasn't ready!! for them cheesy knees lol!