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Radiant Echoes Pre-Patch Guide In War Within! Catch-Up Alts, New Mounts, Leveling And More

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  1. This pre-patch event, oh what a bore, Spawn rates laughably low, memories a chore. Rewards priced sky-high, it’s quite absurd, I despise it all, world is in lagg, and i kill the lich king memory but the quest not completed.. -.-

  2. Holy shit, farming for an hour in a group gave me around 500 memories, doing the phases gave me 300. Quest gives 1.5k once… much time do they want me to invest to get the mount and all 3 battle pets? ( 50k Memories )

  3. Why should i play this event? The reward brings me nothing when i level in the next weeks TWW and get better gear at leveling? The Event also has nothing to do with the stoyline and the lore..

  4. as for the dalaran heartstone, just go to the warboard, in orgrimmar or stormwind, accept the broken shore quest, talk to the guy from the quest and say ï've heard this before" and thn deliver the quest, you will get the toy takes like 10 seconds (if you already did the broken shore questline before)

  5. I thought this was going to be like a prepatch dragonflight where the community does the event together but it only looks like the last boss we all do. This is soloing where mobs are way spread out, so this is going to be a slog I bet. And collecting the pages of the Green HIlls of Straglethorne was not fun back in the day and I never completed it because it was an awful rng grind! Also, just every 90 mins to start, I will have to log in each alt, run em through and then that's it for the day. It seems in the past prepatch events I could just choose one alt and grind out the event til lvled all the way, and I wasn't limited to just once a day but only by the timer of each event. Am I misunderstanding something here???

  6. I wonder why no one is stating that to upgrade this gear, you are still grinding awakened crests and flightstones? I had to login to see that at an upgrade vendor. I figured that with the pre patch, season 4 would end and we might need a new currency, but it looks like its still active, and im curious why no one doing reviews is mentioning this ?

  7. eu had it for a couple of hours last night before getting deactivated. i got the earlybird bonus by completing the weekly quest before they disabled it xD didnt even realize it wasnt meant to be up until i thought my character was glitched because i no longer saw portals.

  8. What is the currency required to upgrade the new gear drops ? Because if its the dragon currency then its a complete waste of time if you need to grind both the event and the regular game

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