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How Powerful Was the Scourge? – World of Warcraft Lore

Scourge, how powerful was it in the lore and what is the current state? Leave your thoughts below on what you think?
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– Content
In this video I cover the creation of the first Lich King from Ner’Zhul and the initial process of building up the Scourge. Later I cover the Third war and the Arthas storyline, leading up to the Wrath of the Lich King era. There I talk about what the scourge was, what it consisted of and how powerful it really had gotten. At the end I cover the death of Arthas and the current state of the Scourge in World of Warcraft: Legion.

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise. – I am not the owner of any of the art shown in the videos. All artworks belong to their rightful owners. Due to images being shared across various sites it is quite difficult to find who the original artists are. If I used your work I’d be more than happy to give you full credit, just contact me at

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  1. 4:02 Min.: I say it so: That Malganis is a servant of sageras was wronge and we found out the real true about the real loyality of the scourge and the lichking later on. He shell prepar the world. But NOT for the burning legion… XD He shell perpar it for the death to claim it. For the jailor. Source? Play the story of shadowlands 😛

  2. Actually it depends.if the scourge vs legion happen in azzeroth,scourge will win since Azzeroth managed to defeat the scourge and its Azzeroth<Scourge
    "You didnt mention to quotes of HOR wich says the only reason scourge wont annihilate Azzroth is just abit of Arthas's soul that stop it otherwise scourge would overwhelm all the planet.and its why anotherone must be new LK"
    But if battle occur on legion domain planets such as Argus,legion will win just as you mentioned it has so much more minions

  3. Lichen men the scourge fuck easily the legion am sry because arthas can use everything of life to fight .Second arthas can fuck all the army of legion allown .STOP SAID STUPID THINGS

  4. Man… Arthas had the best nap… Or maybe he's cranky and that's why he woke up and started fuckin shit up. Still… Dude slept for years. If he DID ever marry Jaina, after that transformation, he'd be talented as fuck at not hearing her crap.

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