In this video, I will be sharing 12 Game-Breaking Tips to Help You Die Less and Win More Gunfights. If you learn anything new make sure you hit that like button and subscribe for more Call of Dury Warzone Content!
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I started this series with new and intermediate players in mind. I’ve played with and watched different levels of gamers play Warzone and it usually comes down to the same few things that can cost a game. This series will be a reminder of the little things we forget in the heat of battle. We will cover how to win more gunfights in Warzone. We will look at how to die less in Warzone. I will also be covering the best settings, how to improve your aim, and how to win in Warzone. The plan is to instantly improve in areas of our game that will increase KD, get us more wins, and keep us having fun in Warzone.
The style of this video is similar to JGOD and IcemanIsaac in parts. A large influence on this series has come from content creators like Savage and XclusiveAce.
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Wassup professor you miss old rebirth?
I hate to be that guy the winning mindset is definitely the number one thing in any game
Why can I never see enemy pings on my radar when my team-mates get kills?
I just subbed my boy
Tip have each member of your team if you know them use either stims, stuns, flashes or heartbeat sensors; This allows for better strategies because your team knows who's gonna be doing what during a gun fight ' the stun teammates can stun the enemy team allowing another member of your team to flank same with the flashbang team member, the teammate with heart beat sensor could tell his team if some is close by and the teammate with the stims can rush and put the opposing team on edge and break they cover.
bro said "just win"
I'm the guy on console getting vision broke 😭😭😭😂
construction…. the nostalgia.
What about console players 😆
Always sucked at these games lol 😂 but this helped out a lot man thank you ! 👌
Im new to warzone I have
like 20 hrs play time I average 10-20 kills in rebirth then die to 3 party after I 1v3-1v4
Just wanted to say, love all the Rebirth content as always!
I just downloaded the game lol
Thanks really helped man!
@tip #11 My teammate last night: "they're behind you" Me: turns around *gets shot from where I was originally facing*
Teammate was apparently talking to someone else in the squad. INCLUDE NAMES IN YOUR CALLOUTS!!
I play 80 fov yet still brake them pc player’s cameras 😂movement is key without movement ur screwed believe me
I'm starting to think that this guy hates console players
"If your watching this video your a natural leader" lol
only ogs rember wene the controll center wasint done being built
i am on controller
Definitely this guy is in trouble if they give FOV to consoles the way he just sold it as a tip to win. I assure you I'd be far better if I got to change my FOV also. He just admitted that those that can afford a PC will have an advantage.
So this for PC
i started playing more rebirth to get better at BR type modes rather than playing plunder all the time, this video helps!
Feel sorry for xbox players lol. Can't turn off cross play..
Basically we need a PC us what your saying
Bro if you’re on pc and you die to a CoNtRoLlEr pLaYeR. Two things. You’re bad or that guy doesn’t see the sun. Or both
What ak 47 is it cold war or mw?
He got the 5000 mark Lol
I just don’t have a team to actually help me lol randoms r not always good 😂
I got 17 kills today
I added this video into a collective of tips and trick on how to win in rebirth…enjoyed ur content bro, much luv.
wish – you can turn on the translation of subtitles into Russian. Thanks.
The best tip in this game is to run with a squad you actually know and will talk lol otherwise the random are complete trash everytime
Bro listen none of these tips will do anything if you completely have prison under control on the roof and then then you go to rotate from the gas and get sniped from the heady tower
Okay Okay Sandy Sandy good morning Astrid thank ya ya much much love Lott.
I am going to start using the tactical layout on ps4 controller
I love exzachtt
I started playing warzone & rebirth to spend time with my husband. We both game but I'd never played it before then. I'm just trying to get better to be a better team member for my husband. Also, I want to win & it's a lot of fun to play really. I do enjoy it. This video is a big Help.
i have many kills every time, but i always die last
Dude i always wanted to play warzone now I'm playing it for past one week and I'm getting clapped soo hard i don't have friends to play with i play solo or randoms who suck i luckily get a kill and get killed from behind it's soo annoying idk what to do bro i always wanted to play warzone and now I'm sucking sooo much in it😑
Can you please stop talking trash about Consol not everyone has the money to buy a whole PC
damn i always get shot from behind when i finished downing somone so ANNOYING!
but thanks for tips and tricks 🙂
The best tip: don't be a one trick pony.
Oh F*** I'm a one trick loser
At tip I found good is an ammo farm load out and this is a ammo load out for your guns you use. For example if you use a ar and smg put guns in the same category with only one attachment fully loaded so if you die near a load out you get that load out so you have ammo to fight with
I got a Kilo 141 and a Kar98k.