Call of Duty

Call of Duty WW2 Zombies: 10 Tips & Tricks

Call of Duty WW2 (PC, PS4, Xbox One) features yet another full-length zombies multiplayer mode, and it’s surprisingly nuanced. Here’s some help.
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  1. I love your videos.I play this game (zombies) whit my best friend. And we love it we play like a sour 45 games until we finely beater thanks to your 10 tips and thanks you again❤❤❤😊

  2. A bit late but shooting a brute in the spine kills it really fast, will take less than a mag usually so its better to get them out of the way when you can

  3. HA! I effing knew the zombies got more difficult to take down after a certain round! My bf can suck it!! Take that, I was right about a game for once!!!😈😆😈😆😈😆 small victories are still victories😁

  4. "don't waste time locating the box" it only spawns in 3 locations, 2 of which are close to any regular circle you can make around the map, not to mention the green light

  5. Save your self some time this video just contains stuff you figure out on your own very quickly. It mite be helpful to someone who has never played cod zombies but if you have played it before don’t waste ur time

  6. I miss how zombies were, especially back at WAW, where you would defend a room, and then we would start moving out. I have this one now, and I always feel lost lol

  7. I find that if you get the high melee damage blitz, the brutes will die from only 4 or so hit with the shovel. You could try to dodge their attacks, but it’s easier if you have the cloaking ability

  8. don't waste time locating the mystery box? All you have to do is go into the main Courtyard look into the sky for the green glowing light and it reveals which part of the map the mystery box has spawned.

  9. I kill the brutes when I see them because they give you a ton of money when you shoot them I think you will get about 200-300 and then they give you another 200 when you kill the so they helpful for getting points

  10. I have gotten as far as defending the tower but I don’t know what to do after that! If anyone knows of any vids that can proper help then that would be awesome!

  11. I'm that one ass who spends a lot of time in one area, raking up points. Only to realize everyone opened up more areas and died due to my presence (or lack-there-of). Moral of the story; weed + zombies = a bad time for everyone but me.

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