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All Overwatch 2 x World of Warcraft COLLAB skins!

World of Warcraft is turning 20 this year. To celebrate 20 years of our adventures in Azeroth, Overwatch 2 is getting a World of Warcraft crossover event. It comes with a trailer released earlier today, showing off all the skins we can expect. Let’s have a look.

edit by Deemzies

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  1. Why are all of this shit needs to be so questionable? So we got recolor of free skin, that's just worse than its original version, another skin for sweaty coomers with a fucking sniper rifle instead of bow, orcs warlord as little ass floating robot looking like hes from fortune tellier machine, instead of big buffed basically robot warlord with a staff and with no skins compared to Zen skins many of which are best in the game, and lich king with a fucking spear. They're definetly laughing on dummies who are going to buy this

  2. The issue with Torb recolour is that only WoW players will really get that it's not just a cheap cashgrab of a recolour. With context missing it's just least interesting, weird concept of a skin

  3. yeah, the skins are decent and all, we already know the art teams rarely do big mistakes, being it with skins, trailer or music, they do their job well. But whoever is making the decisions… I have 0 copium left for the game.

  4. World of Warcraft is a blizzard IP and they knew the 20 year anniversary was coming up, heck they knew 20 years ago when the 20th anniversary was going to be. I feel like four skins is very underwhelming considering what we are celebrating. It would’ve been really nice for each hero to get a Warcraft themed skin. I know it sounds like a lot, but some of them could’ve been simple blue skin recolors that sort of hint at Warcraft heroes but I think it would’ve had a lot more impact than what we’ve got.

  5. I love Thrall Zen skin because it's really different from his old skins. It looks like a living organism as the face is realistic, really similar to Thrall. And it also looks tough and energetic, muscular, which is really new. Even though the skin is bit simple as overall, especially the pants, I think the skin has quite a meaning.

  6. I really liked the style of the trailer! And honestly I think the skins look amazing. At first I had mixed opinions about the torb skin, but I didn't know about the pivotal lore behind it! But I feel like that'll mostly go appreciated by WoW players. GREAT VIDEO!!!

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