Call of Duty

Call of Duty MW2 – Spec Ops Homeland Security Veteran Guide

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) Spec Ops Mission “Homeland Security” done solo on Veteran (3 stars). Spec Ops – Charlie – Homeland Security

Modern Warfare 2 Playlist :-

How to do Homeland Security – I chose the sniper and AK with GL then head for the building in the middle of the map, set up turrets in coordination with overlord.Listen to what overlord tells you as he tells you where most of the enemies are coming from so setup the turrets overlooking them areas, plant some claymores if you can, and kill as many enemies as you can on the roof. When the drone spots you after a few seconds jump down the ladders and take cover inside the building, you can camp in there for the whole game to be honest but i didn’t want to make the vid super long.

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  1. I simply pick up the first turret and run towards the wrecked car om ghe far right corner of the gas station and put ome turret on the car… Then run to get the second turret in the dinner next to gas station and place rihht next to the first turret placement…. Make sure not to put it on the Petruted grass because of the wall behind it( one RPG hit and the turret is gone)..
    Then a run to get a grenade launcher attached AK and switch to sidearm to run faster and place the third turret towards the main road from where the BTR arrived but not to near the wall a but more farther…..

  2. I love this level . I can’t decide how ever if I want burgers , tacos , or Richies diner . So we go to Nate’s first , get a couple beers then decide . And if I need to go to the bank it’s right across the parking lot lol

  3. if you want to speed run this put both sentry guns at the start of the mission to the right of the gas station sign one facing burger town and the other facing toward the gas station and place claymores behind the gas station and camp in there with the ebr and m240 to take out choppers. My record doing that method was 5:24 minutes, On veteran.

  4. So do this:
    – Run to roof of big red restaurant and place the turrent on the left side, facing the small restaurant where you start
    – HDH (Hunker Down Here) for the First Wave and just face your 2 ladders 🪜🪜 and shoot anyone that comes up
    – 1st Wave Ends. RUN to the bank and grab the turrent and run to the big restaurant roof again. Place this turrent on the right side facing the spawn-in restaurant.
    – RUN to the spawn-in restaurant and place the turrent thats there behind the bar facing the entrance doors (gives wider range)
    – Go to the turrent that's where you spawn-in, and place this one in the ally
    – HDH like in the video's spot. When Predator Drone Spots You stick to the wall.
    – Shoot down Helicopters with scoped LMG that was in restaurant, on the bar.
    – When you get to Final Wave. HDH and let the turrents worry mostly about the Hostiles, while you worry about the two Helicopters. Once all hostiles killed and both Helicopters LMG gunned down, grab the Launcher inside the restaurant and just blow it up.

  5. I set up 3 turrets on top of the diner in the first wave

    Then i ran back towards the gas station and camp behind the counter with the turret pointing out

    It clear out most of the grunt before they even get near you

  6. I hate for a fact that the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered doesn't include Spec Ops with it. I mean I get it, Activision is trying to have only one unified multiplayer game (that is the new 2019 MW) but we all miss Spec Ops it was the best mode Modern Warfare ever had and I wish they would release an update (for MW2CR) where the remastered Spec Ops mode comes to play.
    Anyway, Take Care y'all and stay strong till 2020 ends.

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