World of Warcraft Balance Druid Guide Mage Tower Artifact Appearance Guide 7.2. My Balance Druid guide. A Challenge Scenario for World of Warcraft patch 7.2 Artifact Appearance Guide! Thwarting the Twins is a Artifact Challenge Scenario for Frost Mage, Balance Druid, Affliction Warlock, Shadow Priest and Marksmanship Hunter. This is a Balance Druid Thwarting The Twins Guide.
The Mage Tower on the Broken Shore introduces in World of Warcraft 7.2 a Challenge Scenario!
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WoE, Displacer, Feral, Typhoon, SotF, SS, SD
40 Traits (aka no Wax and Wane)
How are you casting without facing him?
I got every single artifact appearance except for the one I now main in bfa fml
Thanks for the helpful tips! Just got it done today =)
gratz worgen brother
This was very helpful, thank you.
How did you get that movement speed at 00:24 ?
Not possible without Sephuz's feelsbadman
Dang this looks so much easier than the Frost mage version!! Karam runs ridiculously fast in that one so if any of your slows run out your screwed.
Blessing of the Ancients for the dps buff/astral power generation, or Shooting Stars for the burst dps effect?
Thanks for the guide really helped me out.
What is that tmog set you have with the green fel shoulders?
Just a minor nitpick – Raest goes immune after a set amount of time. You just happened to have gotten him to 60% when the phase ended.
Shadow Priests with Surrender to Madness can down Raest completely in that phase alone.
u suck tell me what to do with rune
Wow that seems easy lol
antorus came out now, i watched your video just before going. it was a 1 try even if balance is my offspec and im not so good at it. if i can do it, you all can now xD . I love you're UI man! do you have any video with it? or can you link me what you use for middle screen and having each mob you are in combat withon you're right side? so easy to track the dots
if you kill reist and die from karam or the hand later you still get the appearance so as long reist dies you are good
how are you casting while moving?
my issue is that Karam doesn't stay slow like he seems to in all these videos, he gets progressively faster as the fight goes on. WTH is up with this?
Con con el racial de warguen es mas facil :/
gracias amigo me ayudaste mucho aunque no entiendas nada de lo que diga 😀
After watching this video, it literally took me just 2 tries. 909 equipped, used Sephuz and Impeccable Fel Essence. This felt surprisingly easy because I was struggle with Xylem on my demon hunter D:
This is still broken, Karem teleporting, runes not showing up, solar beams aren't silencing the hand, fuck blizz man
Phase one end´s at 60% or after 40 sec´s
You seem to require sephuz for this as he just instantly catches up to me
GS 900, 51 traits, Sephuz + Prydaz… no chance with the ads, they just don't die …
can a 897 45 traits do it? idk what legos to use i got ( IFE, prydaz, ekowraith, elunes promis)
What food are you using? you run way faster compared to me, Karam can almost catch me after like 20 seconds and how come you can cast lunar strike when you are not facing him 0:48 and do you think this is do-able with ilvl 882?
51 traits 902 ilvl, various legendary comps and I still cant do this…. fuck me loool
Prydaz, Sephuz @907, 3 attempts. Yes really.
You can let 1 hand get a cast off and prydaz will save you, other than that you can really only fail to the runes.
Thanks for the guide 🙂
Hi. Can u help me how u can cast spells while u're running? Thy the asnwer.
Just did it today, they must have changed it so in the final phase you don't need to kill Karam, he despawns once Raest dies.