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Clark Angela Gonzalez Ruth Martin Helen
Gonzalez Jessica Jackson Laura Martin Patricia
Yall trippin about the runaans. Her rockets are more than enough to clear waves and get crashes for sieges most of the time. Unless the enemy team is massively ahead and inhib towers a 20 type scenario it's not worth for the value it brings and of course they have a lot of frontline tanks.
Runaans is Jinx's best item lol
Usually a skill capped fan boy, but I think this guide screws up three important things:
– You usually don't want to spam shove waves as Jinx. Ideally, you want to farm safe close to your tower. Let them shove waves to you and control the wave state on your side of the map. If you perma shove, you will get either run down or camped by jungle, both of which Jinx struggles with.
– Yes, Jinx's ult peak damage is not very far away. But you don't mention the most important part there. The low health execute is where the damage comes from.
– Like everyone else said, your discussion on RunHurr is lacking.
No combos? My boy doesn't know about the w flash, the r w , the e r, or the w r.
When to use Q?
as a jinx main… i KNOW the enemy gets mad at me when i kill them across the map 😂😂 when u start with jinx just throw the ultimate… youll be surprised how often you can actually kill someone with it. its better to let it go sometimes across the map than holding it.. you never know it MIGHT hit 😂
what in gods name are these words man? 💀
When she says "I have the best intentions", that ain`t Jinx talkin`, it`s pure Powder,poor thing!:(
How people feel about Jinx pre-Arcane:" Who`s this crazy blue-haired, pink-eyed Harley Quinn-looking chick?"
How people feel about Jinx post-Arcane:" My poor baby Powder, please let me protect you!"
i need to know the name of the items not what they look like
idk if its just me or what but im a beginner and a lot of this made sense cause idk the games terms for things lol
great video thanks 😀
Jinx main here. Ruunans crushes for me every game.
I'm completely new to League and this helped ! But I'm still kinda struggling to learn haha
I can update one thing. And what i see many people do with jinx. If you are in close combat never use w. Use only if they flash, dash and tries to escape. You do more damage just doing auto attacks rather just pressing w. Also it take way to much time to cast and its easy to dodge. So propably you will just loose a fight. Same goes with Caitlins Q
bro- nahhhh😭😭 Don't put Vi and Jinx's NAHHHHHHH😭😭😭
I can't believe people play games like this
"then the whole point goes out of the window like her relationship with vi"
hit me unexpecting dude
you are adopted
you waste my time !!