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Solo Delves for Beginners! Perfecting the Pull – The War Within Guide

A solo player’s basic guide to Delves, World of Warcraft’s big feature of The War Within! I cover the very basics on how to pull correctly, which often dictates the pace of battle and your survival!

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Streaming Tuesday through Thursday 830AM Pacific

0:00 Intro
0:49 How to look at Delve gameplay
3:43 (Re)Mastering the art of the pull
5:23 Line of sight
7:06 Crowd control before and after pull
9:11 Delve specfic pull tactics
12:01 Favorite curios for Brann

World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft: The War Within is developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Check them out or sign up to play for FREE up to level 20!

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  1. I'm sure others have mentioned this – the Kalu'ak fishing rod from LK allows under water breathing. Place it in the fishing profession gear slot. No need to worry about bubbles or breathing elixirs.

  2. By the end of week two I was doing t8s. Delves are not fun. The player base in WOW is shrinking. Rather than admit it WOW needs to pretend they are adding solo content. In reality the truth there just is not enough of us to maintain group stuff…

  3. Brann, the stupidest dwarf ever, always immediately breaks my cc and it is very frustrating. I love using the Amorphous Relic and Porcelain Arrow, and I almost always have him as a healer. When you run over his potions, it actually puts a 12 second heal over time on you that stacks up to 4, which heals over 1M health per tick. If you time picking them up correctly, you can keep that HoT going indefinitely technically, since he throws out three potions every 25 seconds, although Brann stacking them up can mess you us a little on that.

  4. dropping the candle helped so much, even as a warrior, not that I had much problem with that delve. Just made it less worrisome.

    I've also made quiet a bit of gold making old water breathing potions.

  5. I would do mythics if i could find a guild that actually did them regularly and didnt just claim it in their recruitment message. Or even i could get in some pugs. But its damn near impossible to do either. I had purple logs in dragonflight, but havent been able to even get in any in war within.

  6. I'm really liking delves on my Demon Hunter. I'm consistently doing level 8's on her and not really having a problem. I've even gotten all of the level 8 achievements bagged. The casters haven't progressed as far but they also have lower iLevels. You basically have to get the rhythm of when to cast and when to move.

  7. Brann: Those webs summon nerubians, don't stand in 'em!
    Me: Pff, this game is handholding me too much. I'm not an idiot. * is standing in the webs, the nerubians hit like tanks *
    Brann: I warned ye, champion!

    Good call teaching things like remembering we can swap talents mid run and pick ones that might not be in the icyveins "best talent" guides for specific solo-applicable utility, and just remembering especially for dps or tanks used to facerolling that we can control a lot of difficulty with proper pulling. Just today I was doing a delve and realized i could use Ring of Peace to push enemies apart from each other then CC one with paralysis on my monk so that it wouldn't be nearly as much of a risk to be hit with aoe attacks. On my rogue I had practically forgotten Tricks of the Trade existed, but in delves it's absolutely a hard requirement to use or you'll be flattened!

  8. Warlocks can take a talent that makes the mob stand still instead of running around while feared. Also fear is the only interrupt apart from a stun with cd that warlocks can use because the "kick" silence/interrupt is tied to a specific pet (felhunter) and when solo most warlocks want to use voiswalker because they don't wanna face tank the mobs themselves.

  9. I play warlock and i have cruised through delves and soloed all of them to T11 except for zekvir ?? difficulty.
    I have never been a M+ player thinking it's probably a bit too hardcore for me but after seeing the amount of people that already have KSM saying how they can't complete the higher tier delves I'm thinking i might try for KSM for the mount cause it can't be that hard.

  10. Would love more delve guides for specific classes. The stuff you’ve covered so far has already helped us out (me and my husband) tremendously.

    We are pretty bad players because we’ve always kept it relatively casual. The delves are excellent practice for us and we’re loving it.

  11. I had a lot of success solo leveling a monk, but they have like 287 buttons. So the cc and utility stuff got bumped because i never used them. Maybe that's why i suck at delves lol

  12. My rogue still has Leatherworking from BFA so I've been making the diving helmet and suits to use in the water delves. I stocked up on mats cheap at the end of that expansion so I didn't even need to buy any.

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