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World of Warcraft: This TBC Gold Farm WORKS in The War Within (GOLD FARM)

World of Warcraft: The War Within gold making from old raids. Lets test it out and see how much gold we can make.
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  1. Good Morning there!! Have you thought about maybe trying the Firelands with a potion of treasure finding running ? The average amount of savage leather you will walk away with is around 600 per 10 runs just by killing the trash only and not the bosses, this way you can farm that raid. One of my all time Favs raid farms as prices have always been good, plus you have options to convert the savage leather into Heavy savage leather to sell or further flip that into Pristine hide. This spot is far better than the snapping croc farm in Uldum! You may want to try the The Burning Crusade Rep Item farming which again has always been a good way to make gold in old world content! There are many ways you are able to complete your goal of 800k to get yourself a copy of wars! and honestly I would be more than happy to help you if needed 🙂 (I am a Dedicated Gold farm in wow, its how I enjoy the game and have videos on these farms if you need)

  2. When you're selling motes be sure to check and see how much the primal's sell for.10 motes of air turn into 1 Primal Air, Mote of Fire to Primal fire etc. But the Air is a great farm. There is a great Primal Water farm in Black temple, do a yt search for it. You can run that 10 times in an hour (dungeon reset lockout) and then farm some air outside. Primal fire has a great spot in (BC) Hellfire Peninsula at The Throne of Kil'jaden. Air is a better price but it's good to diversify.

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