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The War Within FINALLY Makes Sense

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Why does Khaz Algar exist? Why does it look the way it does? Today, I answer that question.

00:00 A Strange Place
00:38 The Spark
03:53 The Legend
06:41 The Isle
09:08 The Lake
12:14 The Deep

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  1. That vertical tunnel within the roots could become a path to a new zone in a future patch.

    Also, we have not seen the bottom of azj'kahet, or the bottom of caverns underneath azj'kahet. I wonder if we ever will.

  2. Oh come on! if you haven't guessed it by now…Azeroth, and Elune (and I highly suspect Eonar) are NOT "Titans" Gods of Order. They are LIFE Goddesses. The Highest beings of Life. Don't believe me let's see…(Why is Eonar the ONLY Female "titan"? Why is Nature always referred to as "She"? Why is Elune a "Mother Moon" or the Goddess? Now if you are following me here…Magni when referencing Azeroth always calls Azeroth what? SHE! Azeroth is a Life Goddess. Now if we know that then we begin to understand why the "Old Gods were attracted to Azeroth, why the Burning Legion waged a war over her, why Elune circled her, nurturing her, why the Na'ru fled to her, and why Amun'thul seeks to bring her under his command. Life requires a balance of Everything not just to survive but to thrive. It needs Light and Void, Order and Chaos, Life and Death all in equal measure. Order however does not; so Aman'thul Ripped out both Y'Shaarj and Elun'Ahir. Order at the end of the day does not favor competition. It favors obedience. Now let's ask ourselves; what does favor competition? OH RIGHT! LIFE! Nature thrives on competition; so much so that it is the driving force of Nature Herself. Now ask yourself the biggest question…Where did the Void Lords, Titans, Na'ru, and Elune (if my theory is correct) come from? They are the "world souls" born from a "high concentration" of Cosmological Energies existent whilst they are forming. Aman'thul either "knows" this or has surmised as such and seeks to make ALL world souls "Titans." (His plan being to flood Azeroth with Arcane energy thus creating another Titan instead of A Life Goddess.) That all said…what None of them suspect, neither Void Lords, Na'ru, or Titans; is they are all being played by Elune. All of this competition, all of this tumult and change, ALL of this is doing Exactly what Elune wanted. Shaping Azeroth to become a Life Goddess. A Mother of Mothers. A Goddess of Life itself. Because as we learned from the Shadowlands if you played in Ardenweald Nature exists on Balance and Cycles. There is only ever ONE supreme Life Goddess. (Eonar being corrupted by Aman'thul's Arcane Energies. Not enough to make her "fully" a Titan but enough to tip the scales as it were.) So as Elune wanes Azeroth waxes. As Yesera said to Merithra…(ok so this is going to be the vibe of it…) "I will diminish as you shine." Elune is diminishing, and Azeroth is begining to "shine". They are completing the Cycle of Life.

  3. Man, am i the only one not interested in the story so far? I admit im an average wow player but ive played since vanilla and the most excited story was the lichking, period.
    And i would say legion after that except i hated how they killed a legendary figure tirion using a random demon that has no background story whatsoever…

  4. Interesting I was wondering what the roots where that where connected to seemingly nothing. Now it makes sense where the roots are from. Now only if we could figure out what the big blaring crystal in the roof is 🤔

  5. Good Video…. BUT….Hate to say it but this entire storyline is still a raging disjointed dumpster fire. It is so nonsensical that I don't have words to describe.

    I respect the fact that some people are trying to put a silk hat on a pig and spin all these theories to help the expansion along. There is NO moment ever where everything "clicked." It seems that people are trying to justify the storyline by diving into novels and lore and trying to Frankenstein a storyline. Lets throw the Borg and Skynet in the mix and let them fight over the machines Azeroth lol.

    I have said this once and Ill say it again. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Movie makes more sense than his expansion, Dragon Flight or Shadowlands. I had to stop the video halfway through cause it made my head hurt lol. (nothing personal). They need to put the War back in warcraft. I say this with peace and love 🙂

  6. Ajhkahet has another cosmic link – you get sent to another respawn point if you fly into the void sky above the city – entirely different from the boot you get for flying into the palace area.

  7. The cosmology (for lack of a better term) of Warcraft has been plainly expressed as relative–especially since the Legion expansion. We have been told (and shown) that the Light isn't necessarily good, and that the Shadow isn't necessarily evil. All that exists, i.e., what necessarily fills the vacuum created by the absence of an objective good, is a will to power (where have I heard that before….hmmm…). So, since Blizzard apparently wants to craft their world now as a morally relative one, there is no reason, outside of personal, selfish preservation including the preservation of one's family, friends, even tribe, to hold anyone's principles and ethics above anyone else's. Therefore, one is free to root for Xal'atath, the current "big bad", as one could admire her drive, consistency and style, whilst many of our legacy characters hover perpetually around self-doubt and sniveling contriteness. Personally, I am hoping that something bigger–a greater authority–than light, shadow, titans, etc. is yet to be revealed, however, if I was a betting man I would wager that won't happen. I fear that retail WoW has seriously painted itself into a corner.

  8. The writing and objects in dragonflight do "NOT" show that Uldorus was the Titans interfering in any natural order. The exact opposite. The Uldorus facility was designed by Tyr specifically because there had been an "interference" and corruption by Yogg-Saron on the dragon eggs….which was allowed and arranged by Loken. Tyr designed Uldorus to cleanse away that corruption and return the dragons back to normal.

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