Learn 47 different tips to help you get better at Call of Duty Warzone Pacific INSTANTLY on the brand new map Caldera! These include secrets from pros, best settings, rank guns fast, win gunfights, get better aim and much much more!
• Sub for more Call of Duty Warzone http://bit.ly/1n4THYY
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• My Headset – https://www.turtlebeach.com/
• My PC Peripherals – www.roccat.org
• How I capture Warzone Gameplay – http://e.lga.to/BennyCentral
Music from epidemic sound
Need chapter lists on vids plz, otherwise A+ videos!
I'm getting too old for this 😂
Thank you for the tips.
Even though I going to forget the moment I start up warzone.
All those tape don’t f work
His voice reminds me of watching a news channel. Dude’s got a weather channel vibe. 👍
Excellent advice and great video
I’ve just started warzone and I need someone to help me on Xbox with it
First thing I saw was controller. Opinion discarded.
I certainly got better at the game after watching this video thanks man!🙌👌
Oh yeah,communicating really works,today i was playing with a couple friends of mine and we were playing like it was real,we were killing players left and right,saved each other left and right like bro communicating really works(we still died tho)
Turtle Beach is not a good headset
i love warzone but the only problem for this game is all the full auto guns that shoot like lasers and have really good damage and a long range , is too overpowered , snipers and dmr are just not that good as an automatic rifle at 300 meters
Thanks I needed this I just started playing
Thank you so much
How do you slide
I am a noob so thx
Had me until I heard aim assist at 7 minutes in.. 😅
Cool and informativ video. And nice that you are sponsored by the best Headphone Manufacturer. I got the same Headset 🙂
These 47 HUGE tips made me become a player averaging 1 kill a game to 20 kills a game. Thanks bro 😎
When you have PlayStation you cant change fov
The golag
These videos put me on to BennyCentral. Still one of the best videos even after 6months
I use Turetle Beach Recon 70s
50 seconds in all I learned was this BE FAST 😂
It didnt help, I am still shit 🙁
When my mom walked in she thought you were dantdm
why do you have almost zero gun recoil.
Just getting back into BR been playing nhl22 for last two years thanks for these I like BR mode waaay better than reg multiplayer
Newish to warzone. Good video man subscribed👍🏻👍🏻
5:56 i literally want to blow up anyones house that pre fire at me
How to be good at warzone abuse movement and aim assist, study your headphones, don’t go outside
Didn't improve shit
Just drop a 7 bomb amd came in 2nd thx man
Thx I just started playing today this helps👍