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World of Warcraft Youre probably getting scammed! (The War Within)

Hey guys
today we got a video from World of warcraft, im here to make sure people dont get scammed like i did for like 2 weeks
Outro ➤ ♫Music: Ricky Remedy – Bound

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  1. I have noticed this over the past few days and so I am now taking a seconds to check the next selling price more often as I find that they post a few items like half the price so that people who just click sell it get's posted either at the lowest or lower than the lowest price, I would say to anyone who is selling crafting mat's via auction house to take a second to check before you pst as you can be losing half or more of the gold you could be making, Great video and I am glad that someone else has noticed this and is speaking up on it, If people do not check the price beofre they sell it will also drive the prices down faster.

  2. As other's have mentioned. It's not a scam it's just an attempt to influence the market price. In fact, it can work to your advantage. I was trying to sell some bismuth and noticed someone doing this at a smaller scale. Ppl (or bots) were falling for it and placing their bismuth at 50g lower than the avg. Market price. I couldn't buy it quick enough at the lower price. I ended up buying 200k's worth of bismuth that I later sold for 250k.

  3. This is NOT a scam. It's bait, and it's primary target is not the idiot player that can't take an extra half second to look at their listing before they post. It's bait for bots, who routinely dump impossible amounts of raw materials onto the market so they can exchange in illegal RMT. This bait actually is a service to the overall WoW economy because the bots won't take the time to price their ill-gotten materials properly and at least the bait will frequently trick bots into selling their goods well below market. It's in everybody's best interest for RMT traders to get as little gold as possible, and if an enterprising Goblin can get that gold instead, even better.

  4. Definitely been happening for a long time. I caught on during Dragonflight release and made quite a bit just buying the low priced stuff when I saw it. Sometimes people will also just buy all of a certain item to reset the prices all together though its harder now with the linked AH.

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