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Signs that Bell Was Being Brainwashed – Call of Duty Cold War

“Something ain’t right” – Bell’s subconscious probably

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  1. This misses one scene where Park asks Adler to speak with her in the private room, and right before Alder shuts the door, a paper slips out of the folder he's carrying. It reads something about the status and progress of experiment "A", obviously referring to Bell.

    And if you eavesdrop on Park and Adler's conversation, you can hear Bell's name mentioned once or twice throughout the muffled discussion.

  2. There's some other hints, like Sims will say "That was hard on you, too?" and look kinda surprised and confused after you mention that it was rough having to relive your memories of Vietnam after the first flashback mission. He'll then realize what he's saying and say "Ah, what am I talking about, you lived it like everyone else."

  3. Gotta say, this campaign was severely underrated. I absolutely loved how there was very little filler which left room for absolutely banger missions and dramatic moments left and right. I would definitely put this up there as one of the great campaigns

  4. My first play I found the red room a bit into the campaign, I was confused till I saw Adler looking at me after that I was like something “isn’t right” right then and their, then I did the side missions and putting some strange pieces together that they where just using me for something

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