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How to CARRY BAD ADCS as Support – League of Legends

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  1. "Luck isn't a factor, because the sample size is too big" 😂 this made me cry… probably this is why even challengers get 50% winrate right? 😂😂 I am watching streams all day long from pros to noobs, and it's so evident even based on the comments of the challenger players too that luck is huge in league… You can easily run into 30 matches in a row with the entire team being 0/40, hard running down. We must start cancelling these people seriously, I understand you are trying to motivate and so on, but you must stop denying the loser q algorithm, the mental 0/50 teammates. I was top of diamond for 3-4 years, than now randomly I'm back all the way to Plat, not even Emerald with 10-15 matches in a row all teams 0/50. Did I get bad at the game after 10 years into it? 😂😂 or was I so amazing the previous seasons? Did I forget everything I learnt? Nope, it's simply riot giving only 0/50 matches where there is literally nothing to do at all as a support. Stop pushing this "if you lose it's your fault" talking points and start providing actually useful guides.

  2. Nah, mostly i see elo inflation in support role due to them being equally bad in both lanes. Like it's always silver 1 mechanics supports in low emerald, carried by their teams. They don't drop to silver, because both teams have the silver 1 mechanical supports. the few that are above silver 1, say gold 1, no longer stay emerald, and can trash the botlanes of higher elo.

  3. litteraly the first play where he go againts aphelios if lee wasnt there they both die… he woud not back off as thresh has 0 dmg so YE … then aphelios woud get tempo and carried entire game …. end of story .. and also … to be able to support anything you need a team first and leaving in 9 min mark leaves plates open for allready fed enemy adc to take for free with first tower futhering his lead… showing me a game from master elo where players can be comunicate with IS COMPLETELY USELESS

  4. 4:50 "holding the wave" there didn't really do anything though, apart from helping lee recall. However If he'd let a caster or 3 live, wouldn't that help the wave slow push for the twitch, who was going to be in solo lane for the coming 30-40 sec?

  5. First : dont play tank sup, dont play enchant sup, dont play catch sup, dont play cac sup, dont play heal sup.
    Second : play defensive dps, poke, clean wave, longue range safe support. Like zyra, seraphine etc.
    Third : Use TP and mana burn constantly to make a wall, and switch to carry other players when you have identified the good one, and tell your adc to folow tank.
    Ho and, dont forget to call him "coconut" in chat every time he die alone…

  6. Don't play support in bronze/silver elo if you want to get out, it doesn't matter if you catch one or make a play because most of them are playing locked screen

  7. Ye i do this, but my other 2 laners and jungle run it down too. 37% wr cuz im vs plats and my entire team is bronze 17% wr. They refuse to make the correct plays even when i tell them where to go n what to do. Its sooooooooo bad.

  8. OK now flip the roles. U get a horrid support, what do you do as AD? Cant affect the game in ANY OTHER WAY and your lane is already ruined past the "farm and scale" option and youre being perma dove bc your support died 4 times ina row in 6 minutes to a blitz hook. Then, mid game begins, and your mid lane doesnt let you farm mid, and you cant side lane as an ad so you cant scale now either. Great design on the AD role there. Amazing cooperation agency friendly design.

  9. When this happens to me, unless the adc is just mad, i say an order like " let them push to us to gain advantaje here" nothing of "pls" or nothing like a "nonsense order", order and the reward, usually this players dont know why are they loosing and when you say this things they just follow, other scenario, instead of my toplaner and jungler i saying "get the herald/void things or gguard the herald" I say "the enemy jungle will be there in no time, be careful of the camp " this shows that u know what will happen and its not an direct order, all mid, jungler and top knows that getting the 3 void things is good for us and to prevent that they will keep an eye on it and because they know what will happen its easyer, if you ping or you make an order they will just ignore(again if the ally its just not mad in blind mode, they are humans and know that the odbectives are important, its just they are affraid/they dont know when is a good time to doit).

  10. 5:58 min.: After this under Tower death of twitch i would recomant to leave him and play around the cassio. This twitch is a waste of my resouces. They be at cassio or lee better used. Even camilie. This twitch will feed so or so. This isnt possible to prevent fully. So get a outher carry strong brings your team there MUCH more.

  11. 1:34 min.: I would go for 1 Plate and then a fast reset.

    If they has the dmg for it and the jgl and mid dont be near by. I dont know this because im not ingame but the enemy naut is dead and you got good gold. So you want to spend it.

    Deep wards makes there no sense if you wants to go anyways base.

    So 1 Plate plus Base would be the Logic Choice if Thresh dont int with his Runes. You wants to have demolish at him. At with this rune you melt the tower so hard that you easy get 1 plate with like zero effort and can base then fast eough to get fast eought base to came back with a huge item spike befor the wave crashs in your tower.

  12. How to carry this ADC that i have? Leave them. /igore them.

    Play around mid top and jgl.

    You dont be the slave form the adc. So if they be rude or just s*cks abandon them and help them that still has potential to shine.

  13. I know this is video commentary after the fact (not in-game chat), but it's an instructional video, and it's pretty irresponsible to not expect viewers to mimic the attitude in your commentary when they go play a game with your good advice. Twitch's plays throughout the video are bad, but you're calling them "int" and "run down" and "troll"; people who say that kind of thing in-game are actually griefing and ruin far more games than players like Twitch, who are only hurting their teams' win chances by *accident*.

  14. "yeah so i am smurfing chalenger that knows more than how to carry your bad adc and know many other things" and you guys mainly say that you team can be bad but the other will be bad too so why you play in lower ranks if you are wayy better then them

  15. Inting is short for Intentionally Feeding and feeding refers to giving excessive gold through dying to your opponent. So inting means intentionally dying to throw the game….which Twitch doesn’t do. I don’t know why it annoys me so much that this guy (and so many other league players) calls any mistake “inting” when it isn’t. People want to report other for simply making mistakes and they call it inting.

  16. 99% of my games I literally run into this problem where the ADC is complete brainless trash and whenever I roam to another lane, that liner will start troll tripping and start a rally troll report against me and I end up getting three or four troll reports when I have never wanted to troll a day in my life there is literally nothing you can do in this game that can help anybody nor any kind of informational help because I’ve been doing this for years too many years to count and I get cursed out told to kill myself and reported after the game

  17. I gave up playing rakan in silver cause no one knows how to freeze wave and I simply can't rakan otherwise, pantheon support is insane though and I end up getting more kills than my adcs every game

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