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BRD Raid Nerfed, New Store Mount Breaks WoW’s Economy & MORE World of Warcraft NEWS

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  1. Bro be quite on the mount omg its 90 dollars what ever will we do how much was the first one i dont know 20 dollars 200k gold per wow token 5 million gold was 500 dollars or more no one said a word aboit peope buying 5 million gold worth of wow tokens but wanna say stuff about 90 lol your wild dude

  2. I dont understand why people complain about the mount. I bought it with ingame gold , easy purchase compared with the old one. If you really want it go and farm gold or swipe the card.

  3. Should do a video on the whole great guild bank heist issue, where Blizzard wiped out tens of thousands of guild banks when they turned on cross realm guilds. But don't worry, they didn't actually restore anything and told all those guilds to pound sand. Millions of items, billions of gold, all wiped out with every afflicted player abandoned by Blizzard.

  4. I hate store mounts and mount like that dino is making already small world even smaller. But I am fine with the price actually. I mean that mount cost $90 and it's money spend straight into hobby. If you spend 90 on in game item that prolly means you are having fun with that hobby. Like I am atm trying to find vegetable tan leather for my hobby and that will cost 120-400 € just so I can try to make tabi shoes and maybe another hat or gloves.

    However AH + mailbox = easy life for gold farming bots.

  5. Blizz is smart, they saw how many people could afford the epic edition for 90$ 😂
    Nah but for real, the OG mount cost 5 million gold, they don’t have choice but to sell the new one super expensive.

  6. It's WoW's 20th anniversary which means it should be possible for everyone to celebrate. This rad BRD should be easy and enjoyable like going to the park with your family on Sunday. And I think it's a piece of shit when it comes to difficulty. Even on normal some bosses are too much trouble and should be nerfed so people can enjoy it and not get upset.

  7. this shows only one truth! You can only hate the players because they buy shit like that Dino and because of it gaming is in a state as it is right now. MTX had more developement then actual gaming in the last 10 years

  8. Please don't encourage this cash grab from Blizzard . Why can't people learn ? It will only get worse. You shoud have stuff like this in game to have a reason to play the game I don't like the mount because is to big but it is a convenience. Hey if you people whant to trow money it's their business, i spent money on stuff i don't really need But not like this guys . Have some restraint because we are taken as fools if we do not push back ..

  9. Easy math: buy Long Boy and 30th Anniversary pack at once, not including the classic mounts (4) you get 5 mounts for 120, thats 20 a mount, considering some people can spend $200 at a bar or club in a weekend, (go with 4 friends and its easy to spend 350+ ) i think its a pretty good deal for its cost

  10. You can just buy wow tokens with gold for IRL money and buy the mount that way, its like 1.5 million gold, yall over here bitching bout the 90$. original mount was 5 millions lol, why do yall think the token spiked in price, not every one is actually dropping money on this. Wow community just likes to complain.

  11. I want that mount but my cheap side is fighting with the want. I just can’t justify buying it to myself. There are so many other things I can spend that money on then a bit of code where the price is pure profit for Blizzard.

    And with all the people buying this it is setting how the future will be.

  12. Honestly $90 is not bad. I honestly thought it would be in $200+ i know some people don't agree but all cool. Ill be getting mine when I get paid. Some peple paid $800 + for the OG longboy before it went away and even now when they are in the Black Market

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