Watch our IGN Call of Duty Black Ops 6 review! A spy thriller worthy of the name, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6’s campaign is a hugely welcome reinvigoration of the long-running first-person shooter series. It looks back at what has historically made the best CoD single-player modes so great and throws its own exciting and novel ideas into the mix, to fantastic effect. Telling one of the most engaging stories the series has ever seen, Black Ops 6’s enticing variety and impressive scale provide a stellar return to form. Check out our CoD BO6 campaign review, featuring some Black Ops 6 gameplay, to find out more.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 reviewed on Xbox Series X by Simon Cardy.
Are you playing the CoD BO6 campaign? Let us know in the comments!
#BlackOps6 #CallOfDuty #Gaming
I would like to see a cod campaign where the little details on the guns are correct. I liked the campaign of BO cold war ( albeit too short ) but hated the incorrect details on all the guns and also the fact that the npc's had the wrong type of guns. A good example of this was the east german police with western weapons. If they nail the the gun details and gun accessories ( the small dots on pistols weren't a thing in the 90's ) and make a good decent long campaign I'll love it. I don't care for the multiplayer at all, not after the OG MW2 that is.
There’s a glitch on hunting season. Please fix! Thanks
I am buying the game. I can't wait to have fun.
Is it useful to play the other CoD campaigns to fully understand / appreciate this one?
I'm close to finishing the game I won't spoil, but its a great gameplay and has some decent challenges at some points I'm playing on veteran I love all the black ops campaign mostly 1/2, besdies that coming back to this felt nice. They randomly hit me with a zombie mission and I was kind of confused and was like alright cool I guess? maybe it will add up with the lore, but honestly that mission (youll see if you play) is very very long annoying and repitive it really does make you instantly have worried about what they'll try doing later on in the story when you got good nestoalgic 1991 war combat, it turns to that into random visions where you gotta run and spray and pray over and over with 50 zombies chasing you over n over. After the 4th random mission of it happening I had to kinda say something about it somewhere, I respect the "edgy" new meta there tryna create but its like kinda self promoting there other modes when theres people who dont play/like zombies.. gets you guessing where the motives are instead of sasitfying all fans. Coming from someone whos played all the CODs.
The glazing is crazy! The campaign is good til the last couple missions 😂
Man this is the best campaign ive played for years
I need help the mission where you are in the desert and destroy the scud missiles the guy you talk to at thend of the mission to progress is gone?? Only his backpack is laying on the ground and it says talk to the backpack. I can't progress past this mission. I completed all the side missions as well and objectives. Is there a solution without replaying the whole mission again? Thank you.
Where's MP and Zombies reviews?
While playing as Case, after the mission Emergence (the underground research facility) I kept seeing Pantheon guys and flipping out thinking they looked like zombies. There was even one time where I could swear that electrical elite dude had blue zombie eyes. This game was the perfect amount of horror. Not too much so as to feel demonic, but enough to get you on edge and tripping out at every turn.
Campaign was good but the Zombies ish level sucks.
I can't buy the campaign separately IGN, why not review the product in its entirety?
I have only played the first mission and I'm telling i was hooked. It felt different, it felt like no other cod campaign I've played before
I hope we get another WWII series. Those old WWII campaigns were amazing and there’s a great balance if you will in gun variety in WWII games.
BO6 & campaign sucks!!! How's that for being civil? Go ahead, violate my Frredom of speech! These gaming corps need to be regulated and meet certain standards and guarantees before putting out garbage!!! They price should be reflective of the quality! Trumpwon2020!!!
super impressed with this campaign, with the challenges and dark ops challenges too, gives it way more replayability.
good shit 3arc.
It’s not good (in my old BO1 loving ways)… it’s to cartoonish and doesn’t do the “black ops” storyline in a good way… they should’ve gone back to BO1 and BO2 to see how to do a campaign should be done… and good lord so much commentary and dialogue during combat… WAY TO MUCH…
Is it like that open world warzone BS from MW3? Or is it linear like the old COD's?
finally a great campaign after cold war! W
Should of had more Saddam
Game is 100% worth on gamepass.