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The Evolution Of Ryze [2009 – 2017] League Of Legends

Exploring the progressions and reworks of Ryze.

Beta Ryze, first Ryze rework, second ryze rework, third ryze rework

Music Used: Unknown Brain – Superhero (feat. Chris Linton) [NCS Release]

Music Used: Jensation – Donuts [NCS Release]

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  1. 2011-2015 was the funnest Ryze ever was. You had massive life steal ult, felt like you powered up anime style, and was not as tedious to play as today. Everything after has felt like a letdown from his original vibes.

  2. …what I don't understand is why did they nerf Ryze into the ground with that JOKE of an ult change. Old Ryze fits right in with LoL and the 1 shot super mage mentality

  3. i miss the 2016 ryze, the shild of (E W Q) is so nice , and all the other combos, but they took everything from him for no reason, fuck riot, now the champ is a piece of shit, meanwhile yasuo, gaining passive shield since the early days of league of legends…….BUT RYZE, NO RYZE GONNA TAKE A REWORK, FUCKIN 5 REWORKS 55 5 5555555 FUCK RIOTTT

  4. I'm pretty sure it's not his first iteration. I remember he had a big jumping ball (basically early version of spell flux but it could jump onto Ryze himself, kinda like Brand ultimate) as his ultimate at first

  5. The best game I ever had was with the first Ryze. A 4v5 ranked game with an afk in our team. All game I had to rotate top, mid, bot almost no time to base, all lanes were losing. After a few rotations on the map they all came mid where I killed all of them and they surrendered. Best game ever!

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