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11.0.7 ANNOUNCED! New and Returning Features, Plunderstorm! World of Warcraft The War Within

A quick overview of what’s coming in the 11.0.7 patch which will be on the PTR as soon as October 31st! See what’s coming back, what’s new and familiar!

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Streaming Tuesday through Thursday 830AM Pacific

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  1. Underwhelmed so far, but hoping the game play on the new island will be fun. I'm not sure what I expected, but one ascetically boring to me personally island and a pvp event was not it.

  2. Im actualy exited about plunderstorms return i loved its cosmetics and it was a nice break from after a toxic mythic when i need to take a breath i just realy hope they lower the grind to get to the rewards so it doesent trap people that hate it into it i think thats where alot of the salt came from.

  3. I did not like Plunderstorm but that is OK. I am not a PvP or Battle Royal kind of player but a lot of people did like it and that is good too. I like that they are doing different things and if they work they do more of it and if it is bad I hope I don't feel like i have to.

  4. I can't believe how negative people are on this mini-patch. Dragonflight made folks spoiled. 11.0.7 has more content than 9.0.5 (A mere balance patch), 9.0.7 (Didn't exist!) and 9.1 (Korthia) combined. If this was any time in Blizzard's history before Dragonflight, we would have nothing. Instead we have a fill island with side story and cosmetics, made by a passionate team. With 11.1 announced in 2 week as main patch. This is epic.

  5. 2:05 I guess this is the real test if Plunderstorm is worth our time, I did most of it with a friend and got everything already. I enjoyed most of it, and after they got their 'sea legs' it was less stressful though I was looking forward do a new map for their second appearance. oh well, maybe if this still fun they'll put it in rotation with the other pvp stuff

  6. Please consider doing a video about the phasing of undercity for horde. It's ridiculous with account wide/warbands, that there are still requirements for accessing Zidormi in Trisifal Glades and using the Dalaran Hearthstone.

  7. Tbh, I'm dissapointed that Elves won't get access to half-elf ears too. I was hoping that they would so that we would had less transmog clipping instead of only giving to humans/Kul-tirans

  8. Forbidden Reach sucked. I am so unimpressed with TWW. I usually don't PvP until S4 but thats all I'm doing. Not enjoying ANY of the PvE stuff. Delves are just Torghast re-imagined. I literally play half as much as I did in DF. So bored.

  9. I can't wait for another x hours of farming plunderstorm to collect everything. Even though a lot of items were in trading post it is not the same… Forbidden reach was cool for the first 3-5 days but then it was just achievement hunting… please make them good and not like "collect 100 treasures" 😀

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