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How to Get Better Aim in BO6 (FIX THIS IMMEDIATELY) | COD: Black Ops 6

How to Get Better Aim in BO6 (FIX THIS IMMEDIATELY) | COD: Black Ops 6

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  1. This is why pc losers need a league on their own. You guys really suck tbh, you get kills mostly on console people, moving insanely fast and think you’re good because you pay to win, you aren’t even a gamer at that point.

  2. INSTANT SUBSCRIBE when I saw the 3,3- I’m on 4s this game because I felt I had to for close range but 3s most cods. Been waiting to find a creator with similar play style, I think I got it from scump way back in the day when he played low sens and I couldn’t hit shit on “high” mw2 sens

  3. Linear aim assist, 5-5 sense, left stick dead zone 5 right stick 2. That shit fries. Something felt weird about the fine aim corrections with the right stick. Lowering my right stick dz from 5 to 2 fixed that.

  4. In these days I have a big problem that I did not have before. When I press L1 to aim there is a lot of input lag that I had not before, I read that others players have this issue, I would be very fast with 120 fov and 20/20 sensivitys 😂

  5. My biggest issue with multiplayer is just feeling like in game information is off and slow. Especially being on console playing against PC.

    I play on a monitor at 120fps and it still feels really bad at times. I watch people on PC play all the time. Their game just feels so smooth and reactions perfect. I’ve got 41 hours on the game. I know the difference on PC is huge compared to console but man I really wish they would figure out how to level the playing field a bit more. Especially if they are gonna force crossplay on console. Really makes the game tough to enjoy at times.

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