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World Of Warcraft Is Too Complicated For New Players

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#Venruki #WorldofWarcraft #dragonflight

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  1. I played Cata Pre-Patch on Classic and the rotation feels too repetitive, then I went back to retail and it felt too complicated, we need a balance between these 2, Pandaria and Draenor rotatons were the best in my opinion.

  2. New player here. i tried to play this game but its wayyy too complicated. I cant get into raids unless i i wait 2 hours, still then i get no loot, i dont know how to craft the strong items. i dont have op gear as i dont have friends to farm it with me. Everytime i ask for help they send me a 3 hour video. A videogame shouldnt take so much work just to be fun…

  3. I cannot perform a 2 button rotation optimally, so yes, wow is too hard for me. Frost mage frostbolt spam is about all anyone could expect from me. Wow isn't a game I can play. I'm too slow.

  4. the part with the mage rotations before even the fight started got me bro not gonna lie …the fuck is going on with WoW these days … god damn

  5. Played cata throughout last season in mop,
    Came back to bfa first 6 months was a whole new game for me.
    I climbed and farmed everything from azrite gear to pvp ranking and m+ high keys.
    One thing was not right in my journey
    And that how toxic and a*hole can someone be in a video game?
    Toxic systems and class designs made the players even more toxic.
    I can't compare how fun and supporting wow community were in mop and cata with bfa community.
    Systems are the reason for such bad state.
    Now i tested dragonflights oh boi the spam for carry in trade chat unbelievable. When i tried to dm someone to have a chat, i got ignored by 4 out 5 ppl. 😂

  6. youre not even comparing apples to apples. your comments are like someone buying a honda civic then complaining about why they dont have the features of a benz. for such a smart guy you can be really dumb lol.

  7. I don't think it's too complicated I think the player base is just too elitist. No one wants to play anymore, they want to get CARRIED. You see this in all content as well, not just PvE.

    I remember back in Legion I started PvPing for the first time because of Templates. There was a lot of people playing, the elite sets were all amazing looking, and as long as you had your honor talents and artifact traits you were good to go. Pushed 2.2k+ in RBGs every season in legion, on multiple characters. I would even "carry" guildies in 2s to get them the elite sets. Personally I never understood why people hated templates? My logic is this: 99.9% of people just look up what the best players are using and copy it anyway and conquest gear only ever really gave you what……. two options per slot? So at the end of the day every UH DK ended up with the same exact stats ANYWAY, the only difference was you didn't need to grind conquest for 13 weeks. Legion had its problem for sure, namely all the DH exploits that people could do in rated battlegrounds (Which if I had to guess: still exist).

    I played the BFA glad sanctum beta and honestly it made me quit the game. Set effects and PvE trinkets in PvP……. uh….. I don't wanna raid. You can also go back and look at the BFA arena tournaments and see just how much those trinkets dominated. I remember watching a match where basically no one would do anything until like 50% dampening because the tank trinkets made you basically unkillable. I want to say probably 80% of the people I played with above 2k (Which wasn't even high tbh) in legion in both arenas and rbgs quit the game in BFA. Blizzard baited me back in shadowlands and I played like the first 2-3 weeks and hit 2k with randoms only to quit because 1) I didn't get a weapon out of my vault and 2) no I knew played anymore and I would get denied from basically every group because my XP was "too old". I would spend several hours a day in LFG with my own group because that's what everyone says right: JuSt FoRm YoUr OwN gRoUp. Only to play 1-2 games before the team disbands (even if you win all the games).

    They can improve the game all they want, I know that if i buy it (especially to PvP) then 90% of my game time is going to be sitting in LFG for hours to play 1-2 games because I haven't been a R1 glad every season since MoP.

  8. I think the complex rotations are why so many people play paladin these days. My guild had like 4 or 5 ret pallies and a prot pally and so I rerolled to arcane mage, then respecced to frost mage after getting frustrated with arcane. Then they said they could use an aug evoker so I rerolled the next week to that. I had to switch my addons because I used dinosaurs for addons like healbot and recount which don't work with aug evoker at all. Now I'm sitting here frustrated with the convoluted crafting system just trying to recraft my bracers for a higher ilvl I have to somehow find an engineer that can craft them and I don't know how. The only discord channel I found for these stupid crafting orders hasn't had a post in it for two days, so I doubt I'd get that lucky there.

  9. It's almost as if people prefer to actually play games instead of sitting around optimizing and waiting for permission to be good enough to enjoy the game.

  10. UMMMM, pay to win? But you are correct, I thought about coming back to retail and aside from Blizzard sucks and they are never getting another dime from me I really didn't want to DL and set up my UI again.

  11. Good thing you guys aren't on the dev team or we'd have no deep classes. There are plenty of simple specs you don't have to try and remove the complex ones.
    The bigger problem is there's basically nothing in-game to help you learn.

  12. It wasnt complicated for new players before, are you suggesting that younger gamers now are not as intelligent as same age people in previous generations? Checks out to me.

  13. Can't say much for add ons but pvp only should be like guild wars you can que at level 1 and it scales you to max level no exp etc so fresh pvp only focused people can jump right it

    that being said to many people would cry and moan cause I know the no lifers get some cheap thrill from Gatekeeping and one/two shooting the new players they foam at the mouth for those people

  14. As somebody who has been a pve guy forever and wants to start pvping, or at least random bging… gear is the main thing that turns me off of it. Like… I don't wanna grind an entire NEW SET of gear so I don't get one shot by bajheera types ya know?

  15. Blizzard should just copy how the GW2 Arena works. No gear needed, no max lvl needed. Every player can play it, basicly after two minutes ingame. Everybody is equal and can choose from the same pool of gears and stat modifier items. Only player skill matters. Voila, we have a fair small scale pvp arena.

  16. The Game Developers need to watch this vid, game design should always be aware of what the experience would be like for new players. Great vid Venruki !

  17. sadly thats kind of what every old game is like, the game of my choice removed all the barrier to entry but its still a bitch to learn every skill cd and how to avoid them when players have been playing for years. like gw2 you get insta max level in pvp and you get the gear yet its not a very popular among players, so mmorpg players are ppl who are going to spend more time on things but also its just not worth it to get pro or good at these games

  18. I agree 100%. Solo q wont save the game tho. It would be nice if it did, but it won't. The game is too figured out by seasoned players and new players are scared of that (atleast I am, and I played the game until shadowlands). This is especially true for PvP and arenas.

  19. I think this would help
    1. All gear scale to pvp ilvl (you already have experience and optimal stats on your favor if you have full pvp gear)… let new players in with less barriers.
    2. rating should be rating, not mmr… i dont want to play 1600 rated people when im 300 rated and learning, I get roflstomped and insulted just for wanting to play a new class in pvp
    3. let rating grow to wherever itll grow, youll need to keep playing and winning to stay at the top and youll generate enough space at low ratings for people that are learning/optimizing gear.
    4. punish cheating and carrys in competitive harshly.
    5. give us small team objective games (i dont love arenas or solo shuffle).
    6. totally agree on remove add ons
    7. eliminate many (most imo) damage multipliers)
    8. prune abilities… having more than 24 abilities to press per character is waaaay too much

  20. If there’s any new players that want to run some dungeons or play just lmk! I’m 6 months in and thankfully I’ve had lots of help from friends to show me some of the ropes just holler at me👍🏼

  21. I wish i knew what words this guy is talking abt, as someone who has no clue what the game is, i tried searching online if the game is too complicated and this guy started his dialogue with words i dont even get lol, aint gon be trying the game anyhow good 4 minutes watsed lol

  22. Every other game that is still going after years has a "2" variant. Guild wars 2, dota 2, overwatch 2, cs2 etc. WoW has DESPERATELY (in my opinion) needed a refresh. Change the engine's capabilities, remove the destruction of Addons to WoW, make it so larger mobs don't just glide across the broken floor, abilities not disconnecting you at random and so on. It seems stale, every time I see an x-pac launch it looks like the exact same thing. Here's a new zone with a brand new daily rep, here's a new system that you simply cannot fall behind on …

    It seems their only intentions is to re-launch a classic server every now and then (vanilla era, older expansions, HC and now SoD), which has already worn off in excitement by now. It is probably too late for them to development a WoW 2 now, they have fallen behind the pack. I no longer see or trust Blizzard to do what's best for a game, and that is also proven in other title's from blizzard.

  23. its not complicated at all for new players, you start with one spell and later you get two… its not that fucking hard. You just suck and things overwhelm you. Most people infact left wow because it was stupid fucking easy.

  24. I know people who are 18 years gold + are like 70 these days , but you don't need those addons to get to 1600 , just play a good tier class and go inside the bgs or open world for a bit , gear up or buy gear with vers stats and go play the game , you dont need no addons , you need nothing , i was legit playing in sl and got 1800 with pve gear on a 10% vers stats with my pve friend , we had normal raid gear that point and guess what , on top of that i legit was a fuking clicker man , i clicked spells for 3 expacs , i only had dps meter and dbm cause i had to download them for mythic plus and raids , the people who say the game is too complicated are old people , i don't wanna be mean but these days people wish that things are headed to them without doing no efforts , this expac i went on a +15 dawn of the infinte and one of a higher raider io guys with me said at the second boss that its his f time , and it happened for more than 6 times in even now its still happening , if you want to play a game without trying and get rewarded for not doing anything , you realy need to step out and go play simple games that target zoomer audiences that just wanna lay in bed and close their eyes and get loot by doing so , the game is not the problem , the player is the problem , wow will not adapt to that and never will , exepct for making quality of life changes like account bound stuff , but ugotta earn those first to get them , and for pve is the same , before you in a dungeon , you go to a 4 min guide and learn mechanics or stop pulling shit instead of the tank doing so , its so god damn simple , and if u get kicked cause you messed up , go do quests to level up or gear up and life goes on , people are too focused on "omg he kicked me what a shit game im gonna go cry in comments about how i get sexualy harassed" its just weird man.

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