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This Problem Is Making Players Quit World of Warcraft PvP

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  1. Player returning here for the first time since playing TBC (a lot) and Legion (a tiny bit), your takes on the game are so on point it's unbelievable how you can be in the Top 1% and still know what beginners need.

  2. it’s crazy seeing demon hunters heal over 10 million health. Then seeing a warlock near death fully heals with drain life. I’m not against players knowing how to play their class, but I’m against bs mechanics that are broken.

  3. Just change gladiator mount achievement to 100 wins during entire season regardless rating point! So anyone who put effort into it can get it.

  4. Enter in shuffle with shaman resto is pathetic, hours of gaming to stay at same level, because we found just R1 or the naked one then lost 0-6 and we close at 3-6 for win 0 point, that sad and for nothing fun, for not speack about the extra rewards..really we can call like this?

  5. As a player who has always enjoyed healing and has been a healer since the very early days of Wow, both in Pve and Pvp, I might have a little insight into this. Perhaps if the community wasn't so overly toxic and hostile towards healers, we wouldn't get fed up with playing our favorite spec and probably wouldn't stop playing as a result. The amount of abuse one gets despite performing quite well is extremely discouraging.

  6. We got the same pieces of gear 3 weeks in a row from the vault. Is that even possible?

    Another thing, i have played since Vanilla and getting a alchemist stone from Alchemy is something I always like doing. Have you seen what mats are required? And for a item level that is shit! So dumb!!!!

  7. A actually good system would be after 2 weeks of a new season the top 0.5% of the player base in 3v3 are able to get wins and the rating recuirement for it should adjust every week but i think that's too much work for Blizzard.

    It's just so lame that in one season u get 2700 casually like in BFA and in the next season or addon the same person can't even reach 2300. This system also devalued gladiator mounts so hard over time it's just really bad in general.

  8. I gotta say (primarily PvE player, low rated) most of the time, in fair matches where no dps is severely undergeared, it's a competition of healers and it feels like one wins at least 4 games and the other may scrape at most 1 or 2. This wouldn't be a problem however if healers got rewarded for participating, not only winning. Like get a guaranteed box and half conquest rewards to play healer in soloq and sticking with it until the end of the match no matter the results and additionally getting the usual reward for winning. There could also be a healer-unique mount for reaching higher raiting as healer, or a unique transmog/title.

  9. Personally i have zero interest to play pvp as long as addons are allowed in it, would love to get back to it but it's starting to feel like the addons are playing the game which is really… demoralizing.

  10. Tell them to offer a promotion for the month, if you complete 250 solo shuffle queues between the 1st and the end of the month, get 30days of free membership. Solved

  11. PVP in wow will never be "fixed" till they remove the gatekeeping of good gear from arena rated or at least add solo rated BG,

    they need to throw cheese to non-pvpers with shiny pvp gear from farming honor in BGs even if it takes 10 times harder than Arena players.

    Then make em go Arena to get their gear faster when they feel like it.

  12. One thing about Clash of Clans is that they got leagues, and the highest is Legend. The way it works is, you can climb to legend (5000 trophies) and then the game asks you if you want to join legend league, otherwise you're stuck and can only get trophies with revenges (attacking players who previously attacked you). So I think Pro players, should have a league where, you can reach Glad, and beyond that is a different story, you enter that league and only those who are full pvp I guess would be. This is the only way it makes sense to me, Glad title would still be the highest, but pros wouldn't be matched against us, the majority. And yes, it is repetitive, to be fair, solo shuffle was an amazing experience, it really showed me that I am pretty good at pvp even without knowing all game abilities and having 100 add-ons.

  13. It never ceases to amaze me How dumb the venruki is.
    He is accurately describing the symptom. But it's completely missing the cause,MMR is literally a direct correlation To player participation, PVP isn't fun. Because nobody plays this game. The way you fix This is make the game fun. I don't know, maybe look back at previous expansions when the game was actually growing and take some pointers from the people that Build this Company.

  14. The problem is to many take the GAME to serious. Its a GAME quit treating it like its life or death. Some day you will have to grow up and stop taking a game so serious.

  15. My biggest issue with retail pvp at this moment is the pvp combat system is really bad. For example, if I do a big crit on someone it's not satisfying because they instantly heal it back up. Every class including none healing classes now have a lot of self-healing. The feeling of doing big damage on someone is no longer there because they are always healing it back instantly.

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