This BO6 XP Trick Method is really good for ranking up in Black Ops 6! Try this Fastest way to level up in Bo6!
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This is Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Multiplayer gameplay! Featuring the best class setups, tips and tricks for Black Ops 6! Subscribe for more BO6 content!
This video includes – how to level up fast in bo6,fastest way to level cod bo6,call of duty black ops 6,prestige fast bo6,master prestige fast bo6,cod black ops 6,black ops 6,cod bo6 fastest way to level guide,bo6 master prestige fast,bo6 prestige fast,cod bo6 fastest way to level,cod bo6 fastest leveling guide,cod bo6 fastest leveling,black ops 6 fastest way to level,black ops 6 ultimate guide,black ops 6 speed leveling,cod bo6,BO6,bo6,cod,BLACK OPS 6
Video created and owned by: TheKoreanSavage
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0% recoil lol everyone runs scripts now days
People still watch this booster?
Oh yea, my bad, 12-16 yr olds.
Didn't that YouTube guy who finds cheaters called this guy out?
Leveling up is already too fast im second prestige and its not been out a week yet, it needs tp be like mw2 leveling speed so it lasts he year
But how do you even get double xp tokens
Bruh you make no sense just to let you know whether you get one in 1 game or 5 in 1 game, you’re still getting the same xp in double do weekend. 😂😂😂 this is so dumb you’re still completing a challenge it doesn’t have to be the same game it’s not like you get more for completing more
i hit 10 prestige without any glitches only took me 3days and 5 days for dark matter in day 8 about to unlock nebula
I need loadouts from this man 😂
This really isn’t a strat tho obviously
The game just came out and people already have dark matter and are close to 10th prestige. I dont know what they’re gonna do for the rest of the year
Imagine cod making a stat counter for how many times you died by killing yourself 😂
So is hardcore the way to go in general for grinding camos?
This isn’t a glitch 😑😑 and stopping at 498 kills doesn’t change the amount of xp u get at the end 😂 that’s just a dumb method u gonna get the same amount of xp for the challenges regardless at the end of it
The double xp fix is not working it stopped giving me double xp this morning lmao
First time i see someone playing with the round mini map.
"why is my teammate pushing that far" we all have felt that when your going crazy then that one idiot with a shotgun messes up the spawns
How’d you get that skin? I thought you had to be in the UK
9:00 yo pause😭🤣
This video was insane bro lol 😂 you are a monster on the sticks bro
niice. I accidentally got my ar mastery but i’m def gunna do this with the subs. workin smarter not harder😂
Wether you do all the guns at once for one large sum or just play normally its gonna equal to be the same
Damn I already have the mastery badges done for every weapon outside the launchers and melee weapons m
averaging 30 kills would take 16 games for ONE GUN. there has to be a faster way 😅
Yo! K i see you going crazy im almost done with my nebla grind on zombies getting around 80k-90k xp on zombies per run with the fixed 2x xp it is crazy.
Thank god they extended it. Nothing like having to work all weekend lmao
Please keep posting multiplayer videos as well when season 1 drops
How is this a glitch?
K3 please do a Collab with dysmo
i guess this is the best for the most xp in 1 game but it takes time outside of that game so whats the point
GG’s just played you hell of a game
Korean you didnt post the audio setup?
Get on Zombies K3. You wanna talk about and make a vid. Do it with Zombies bro like me. So wassup wit it
Who will like the p90 in this game.
Bro thinks we have time to get 498 kills with 5 different guns 💔
I’ve been getting 10-20k per game in Nuketown domination just with the regular double xp weekend.
I just unlocked my first gold camo while watching this!
Anyone know how to get the skin in the intro
Bro you’re cooked there’s zombie God mode right now lol
How does he get 80k with 2xp when each dark matter unlock is 7500? He should get way more