is strange how people think, i just watched the same person like 8 months, fc25 come out he spend like 2000€ on packs and got ronaldinho, the fun fact is i didint watch any of his videos of paid pack (why im supposedto care what he get by payning) and i know he got him only because the title of the video, now im not watching him anymore, i like stuff like aunzio that does like x 50% of new scb packs etc because you see if the packs had something inside or are scam, for the rest why im supposed to care watching them throw money lol
Serious question, do you think that it'll ever reach a point where enough consumers boycott the game to where the situation changes? Personally I dont think so, not until there's a good alternative to EA's crap… and they're a monopoly at this point… same story with NBA2k
I agree before even watching the video. 100%. EA’s product is shit that’s true, but it’s the people that continuously force ea to make it worse. Imagine every year, you make a worse and worse product, and every year, you keep shattering revenue numbers… y’all pay for garbage. Y’all don’t incentivize them to do better. You can’t boycott a single generation… you neeeeed every new fifa that comes out… so go ahead buy it, and spend some money in game, and complain that it’s EA that has a shit product. When the problem is you choosing to buy this shit product.
100% agree the me and the community is the problem. If you have great gameplay by all means I apologize but since Fifa 20 PS4/5 gameplay is unplayable. Stuck in mud players run right past my players. Spent $4k on Fifa pts beginning of Fifa 20. Players felt like bronze players. Stop playing after Fifa 22 but heard about the PC gameplay this year. I went and bought a $5k RTX 4090 and oh my I'm playing a different game. Just started the account two days ago in Div 2 Already with rage quit after rage quit. Basic gold Jota, Camavina, Raphina, Lacroix feels like a TOTY compared to what I was playing on PS4/PS5. Please please don't give these crooks your hard earned money. Make them improve Console or even PC if you don't have the best graphics card. Ridiculous. I have spent countless money and time upgrading internet, booking trips to Washington DC just to play right next to the servers, New Routers, Buying Fifa pts and nothing gave me consistent good gameplay before switching to PC
Respectfully bro, I disagree. What you're saying does make sense in most cases, but it doesn't apply to monopolies imo. Think about it like this… if you live in a small town with 1 restaurant in it you are going to visit that restaurant even if it is bad, or if you don't like the food. FC as a product is the restaurant. Because it's the only viable football game on the market, people will continue to buy it. Not to mention that it is a nostalgic game for many…EA has had the licenses for 30 years.
It's EA"s responsibility to provide a game that isn't a beta. They make over $1B in revenue from FUT. In my opinion there should also be an international gaming commission that oversees and regulates this stuff because what they're doing is criminal.
Lastly, regarding Inception promoting coin selling/buying….. that is actually the most effective way to hurt EA. The only alternative to store packs would be to buy coins which is much much cheaper and also $ doesn't go to EA. This reduces the # of packs EA sells and hurts their bottom line. Hurting their bottom line is the only way to get a good game from them
With that being said………..I think the community is definitely at fault in some areas, but overall, EA is engaging in criminality. Predatory practices aimed at children, getting them addicted to gambling. Most of their parents think they're playing a football game, but it's a casino simulator with some football on the side
I would rather people buy coins then points because ea doesn’t receive money when you buy coins hence why they are always trying to ban people that buy them. So I disagree with you saying a content creator is two faced for having a coin sponsor. It’s completely different
I strongly disagree with you but not because I want to but because I don't think it makes sense. You contradict yourself when you say the reason content creators sell coins because they realize what they do will not make a difference, how can that be true but also what they do makes a difference (it's about the 3:50). I think people who promote coin selling and complain about EA are morally incorrect, but in actuality what they do will not make a difference. People want a good football game product but there are no real competitors to EA so they can do what they want. It's not the consumer but the lack of market competition.
Love the thumbnail, GREAT MESSAGE you always have to TRY Open up Peoples MINDS!
I started playing ultimate team in FIFA 20, I ONLY bought FC/FIFA points that time because I was totally new to the game, I spent about 150$ but that was the LAST & first time!
You encouraged me to record a video on how to advice players what to do to have a OP team & NOT spend FC points, if you fine with it, I will mention your channel in the video…
I agree, self responsibility is not something anyone is interested in. I paid 100 bucks this year and another 40 to buy it on pc because I console is unplayable. That’s 140 dollars the company doesn’t deserve. I wouldn’t buy fifa points if I had unlimited funds. I agree with your opinion on inception being a hypocrite however I also feel that his opinion on what makes the game broken is on point. But yeah shamelessly throwing out ads for coin sellers in every video is just wrong and speaks volumes about him as a person.
I agree with not buying the coins but the I got Vinicius promo in loan and the difference is unbelievable compared to any regular player so imagine a team of the best rated icons etc etc. you would beat most people. I don’t even think the skill gap to the pros is that big they just have rich parent credit cards to build these insane teams. Give them a rtg and they will struggle to get 10 wins in wl 😊
Yes EA prey on peoples weaknesses not to speak with their wallet. 30-50 years ago no company would have gotten away with this. But in 2024 people are just weak and these predators know this so they take full advantage of it.
is strange how people think, i just watched the same person like 8 months, fc25 come out he spend like 2000€ on packs and got ronaldinho, the fun fact is i didint watch any of his videos of paid pack (why im supposedto care what he get by payning) and i know he got him only because the title of the video, now im not watching him anymore, i like stuff like aunzio that does like x 50% of new scb packs etc because you see if the packs had something inside or are scam, for the rest why im supposed to care watching them throw money lol
Serious question, do you think that it'll ever reach a point where enough consumers boycott the game to where the situation changes? Personally I dont think so, not until there's a good alternative to EA's crap… and they're a monopoly at this point… same story with NBA2k
Agree 100%, hopefully youtubers react to this video or it goes viral some other way. Also subscribed!
Thank you for cooking Inception, deserved, two faced, subbed
It's a job bro, of course it's for themselves. Either make the money or get a real job to pay the bills, no contest for them
Games finished im struggling in div 5 cause of this garbage game play but last month was in div 3 a dont get it at all
Lucky son of gun. I am Sporting fan and want that Sporting card so bad, but it's extinct on the market😔
My sweet summer child
Facts boycot fc points
100% agree. You nailed it.
FIFA19 WAS PEAK. But loved FIFA12 and 13. I've never been a FUT guy never. So never been pimped like that.
I agree before even watching the video. 100%. EA’s product is shit that’s true, but it’s the people that continuously force ea to make it worse. Imagine every year, you make a worse and worse product, and every year, you keep shattering revenue numbers… y’all pay for garbage. Y’all don’t incentivize them to do better. You can’t boycott a single generation… you neeeeed every new fifa that comes out… so go ahead buy it, and spend some money in game, and complain that it’s EA that has a shit product. When the problem is you choosing to buy this shit product.
Search for the real owner of this crap company and u will figure out everything why its a trash game
100% agree the me and the community is the problem. If you have great gameplay by all means I apologize but since Fifa 20 PS4/5 gameplay is unplayable. Stuck in mud players run right past my players. Spent $4k on Fifa pts beginning of Fifa 20. Players felt like bronze players. Stop playing after Fifa 22 but heard about the PC gameplay this year. I went and bought a $5k RTX 4090 and oh my I'm playing a different game. Just started the account two days ago in Div 2 Already with rage quit after rage quit. Basic gold Jota, Camavina, Raphina, Lacroix feels like a TOTY compared to what I was playing on PS4/PS5. Please please don't give these crooks your hard earned money. Make them improve Console or even PC if you don't have the best graphics card. Ridiculous. I have spent countless money and time upgrading internet, booking trips to Washington DC just to play right next to the servers, New Routers, Buying Fifa pts and nothing gave me consistent good gameplay before switching to PC
Respectfully bro, I disagree. What you're saying does make sense in most cases, but it doesn't apply to monopolies imo. Think about it like this… if you live in a small town with 1 restaurant in it you are going to visit that restaurant even if it is bad, or if you don't like the food. FC as a product is the restaurant. Because it's the only viable football game on the market, people will continue to buy it. Not to mention that it is a nostalgic game for many…EA has had the licenses for 30 years.
It's EA"s responsibility to provide a game that isn't a beta. They make over $1B in revenue from FUT. In my opinion there should also be an international gaming commission that oversees and regulates this stuff because what they're doing is criminal.
Lastly, regarding Inception promoting coin selling/buying….. that is actually the most effective way to hurt EA. The only alternative to store packs would be to buy coins which is much much cheaper and also $ doesn't go to EA. This reduces the # of packs EA sells and hurts their bottom line. Hurting their bottom line is the only way to get a good game from them
With that being said………..I think the community is definitely at fault in some areas, but overall, EA is engaging in criminality. Predatory practices aimed at children, getting them addicted to gambling. Most of their parents think they're playing a football game, but it's a casino simulator with some football on the side
Well, its not the best football game.. Football manager exists.
Preach 🎉
I would rather people buy coins then points because ea doesn’t receive money when you buy coins hence why they are always trying to ban people that buy them. So I disagree with you saying a content creator is two faced for having a coin sponsor. It’s completely different
Spoke sense through out.
Hurt the pocket things change
I strongly disagree with you but not because I want to but because I don't think it makes sense. You contradict yourself when you say the reason content creators sell coins because they realize what they do will not make a difference, how can that be true but also what they do makes a difference (it's about the 3:50). I think people who promote coin selling and complain about EA are morally incorrect, but in actuality what they do will not make a difference. People want a good football game product but there are no real competitors to EA so they can do what they want. It's not the consumer but the lack of market competition.
Wheres the intro? EA Sports its in your hole
Love the thumbnail, GREAT MESSAGE you always have to TRY Open up Peoples MINDS!
I started playing ultimate team in FIFA 20, I ONLY bought FC/FIFA points that time because I was totally new to the game, I spent about 150$ but that was the LAST & first time!
You encouraged me to record a video on how to advice players what to do to have a OP team & NOT spend FC points, if you fine with it, I will mention your channel in the video…
Your spot on Mike unreal the hate you got on that inception video , shows how weak minded the community is when you were 100 percent correct
I agree, self responsibility is not something anyone is interested in. I paid 100 bucks this year and another 40 to buy it on pc because I console is unplayable. That’s 140 dollars the company doesn’t deserve. I wouldn’t buy fifa points if I had unlimited funds. I agree with your opinion on inception being a hypocrite however I also feel that his opinion on what makes the game broken is on point. But yeah shamelessly throwing out ads for coin sellers in every video is just wrong and speaks volumes about him as a person.
I agree with not buying the coins but the I got Vinicius promo in loan and the difference is unbelievable compared to any regular player so imagine a team of the best rated icons etc etc. you would beat most people. I don’t even think the skill gap to the pros is that big they just have rich parent credit cards to build these insane teams. Give them a rtg and they will struggle to get 10 wins in wl 😊
Yes EA prey on peoples weaknesses not to speak with their wallet. 30-50 years ago no company would have gotten away with this. But in 2024 people are just weak and these predators know this so they take full advantage of it.
Wow 15 min 15 views guess bro really loves benzima