The new male enchanter Milio is here! Let’s break down his abilities and playstyle and find out if he’s another 200 years champion or a well designed one!
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#LoL #Milio #champion
As an ADC Main, you better know the ins-and-outs of every Support. Playing with Leona is a WHOLE lot different than playing with Pyke, despite them both being Engage Champions. Playing into your Support's theme is legitimately the only way to play the game. If that isn't the case, you literally just lose since they can't do their jobs.
Now we wait for the monster champ
Could be a cool idea for an enchanter to have some gravity-based ability that could briefly prevent airborne/displacements. Would probably need to be a pretty high cd ultimate, but having a counter to malph flash ulting your entire team.
I guess Zilean is either not an enchanter or not male enough for you. Haha
Milio is my fav champ by far but he feels like he has the least agency out of all the enchanters.
millio is awesoe but i feel like in low elo has no impact on useless adcs
Its messi!
I just tried this guy out, and after like 8 games I can say I love him. I like enchanter supports, but this guy feels so fucking weird! It feels like you're just skipping around not doing anything but the Q is surprisingly disruptive, the W dmg is fucking crazy, never mind the healing and range extension, and the shield on the E is significant. His ult is hard to find a good use for beyond just healing… but I'm just sauntering around the rift racking up assists and rarely ever dying. His base speed is quite high, he kind of likes to stand at the back anyway and you can extend your range slightly with the W.
His laning phase kind of sucks though cos you do better with more teammates around you. So the Q doesnt do much in lane, and the rest of your kit relies on your ADC being brave. The only thing really going for you in laning phase is high base speed and long attack range so you can harass and farm your supp gold.
Hope they make an annoying little leprechaun skin for him.
He can't bear 40k dmg
He can't deal 40k dmg
He is useless☝️🤓
So I played him a bit and I think he is the champ that Yuumi should have been, very easy to learn, very safe playstyle, just stay behind others and do your thing from there. He just lacks some exciting ability. In that regard, every other enchanter is more fun to play. So for me, he is numbers champ, if his numbers are strong, then he will be played, otherwise, its chill game support without much excitement.
"First male enchanter" Isnt Zilean an enchanter??
lulu's not that interchangeable. her r alone, separates her from all other enchanters
I legit could care less for diversity in this game. I just want cool Monster champs
So if supports are usually the first pick, situational supports would never be picked.
Milio is probably balanced since I dont hear anyone talk about him
"First true male enchanter in the game since taric is-"
"Hybrid warden and enchanter"
If you were wondering, Milio's name actually comes from the Lithuanian verb "mylio" meaning "I love".
It's Lucca right? I have nephews and nieces and as soon as I saw him I went… ohhhhh they cashing in on that with the kids.
Its the edgey 200 years champions that made me quit, im coming back to timidly test the waters. I spent too much money, so i was glad to stop.
52% win rate. S+.
League of legends isn't optimized. Dogshit game. League of counterpick.
Personally, I think they need to stop designing enchanters so that they can only fully empower ad/attack speed champions.
One or two that are more focused or lopsided in their enchanting abilities? Sure. But over half of enchanting supports explicitly give ad, as, or on hit damage(janna Ad on e, Nami slows on autos from e, Lulu attack speed on w, renata refreshing attack speed steroid on w, Sona on hit from q aura, Yuumi on hit healing from w and attack speed from e), or something that scales off of those stats(like Help pix! only shooting on basic attacks and shooting more with higher attack speed), and even Milio, who's buff can be applied via abilities, scales off the targets AD and his own AP, which he doesnt build much of. The rest(Senna, Soraka, Taric, Karma, Seraphine) dont give damage enhancements, but rather only MS, shielding, or healing. Which means that if you want to pick a enchanting support to buff the damage of an ap champ, you dont have an option. Because all damage buffs enchanters give are geared towards auto attacking/ad champs, and nothing else.
If they changed it so it was the targets ap for the burn effect as well, it would be equal, but its skewed towards ad for no reason.
But then again I find the botlane carry Marksman monopoly, along with them existing in every other position, to be kinda stupid conceptually. Its one thing if its meta because the players have decided its the best option, its another thing when supports are explicily designed to support AD champions over other options. And considering that supports are there to support the entire team late game, not just the adc, the fact that their empowerment is skewed heavily towrds ad champs, and they have to spend 2300g just to have the ability to augment the mage that is crushing it midlane is annoying.
imagine havng to add a MALE in order to get more diversxD
I fell in love with Milio since I played him for the first time. Such a fun to play champion.
i do think extra range is kinda broken thou luckly early on it can't be abused bcz the numbers aren't high enough but starting from 100 extra range is a lot it is enough for an adc to get 1-2 extra AA before the enemy enters their normal unbuffed range and that makes a world of difference extra range is broken and free extra range even more so, though it shines lategame when adcs have 3-4+ items while early than that may feel underwhelming bcz the buffed target doesn't have the damage, tbh it feels like one of the strongest late game buffs in the whole game
can you tone down the cringe in the titles thx
Milo design wise is strong with tons of utility but lack of reliable cc is tricky
He has to be resourceful with q but otherwise that ult and campfire is broken
i’m sorry this shit is CRAZY!!! who decided adcs needed more range when there’s plenty of built in range in most kits plus items. this is almost like fighting sniper from dota. maybe i’ll have to stfu and wait but bro man league is something else these days. 😢
Im gonna be real, as a support player I hate him, I already want him deleted
7:45 Yone also has a self cleanse when cancelling his tether
His design is awful