This is a guide video for the Felcycle Mount Puzzle where we solve the 6 O’Clock Orb Guide 6/12 for how to get Ancient Shaman Blood in the 20 year anniversary event in World of Warcraft: The War Within.
/run for i,a in ipairs({“Sin”,”Corrupt”,”Succubus”,”Blood”,”Void”,”Chest”})do print(a,C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(84805+i))end
1 O’Clock Guide:
2 O’Clock Guide:
3 O’Clock Guide:
4 O’Clock Guide:
5 O’Clock Guide:
6 O’Clock Guide:
7 O’Clock Guide:
8 O’Clock Guide:
How to do Ratt’s Race to get the Peculiar Key:
How to get to the Bike Room:
WoW Secret Finding Discord:
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0:00 Explanation
0:36 Blood Altar
1:32 Succubus Altar
2:08 Corrupt Altar
2:52 Sin Altar
3:31 Void Shadow Altar
4:10 How to get Ancient Shaman Blood
#worldofwarcraft #warwithin #thewarwithin
so wait you get the 6th orb without using the Ancient Shaman Blood key? cause i just used it on the Enigma Machine. I don't remember if I had 5 or 6 orbs before using the Enigma Machine.
blizzard f u cked me with this mount . i lost 200.000 gold to take the stupid battle pet with 140.0000 and never use it because i found a better one and then with the other toys . i cant get how you found all this. Great job. I dont know next if i manage to complete them. i got no money left
At the corrupt altar, I did not have to transmog my cloak, and I got credit when i mounted on a corrupted mount after the pet and toy
For the Void i'm getting only Nethervoid Cloak instead of Drakerider,still not working though :/
the prices of this shit is rediculout
I stopped caring when we needed old toys, pets and mounts? Like what blizzard? No wonder people quit the game. What a waste of time. Whoever thought this is a good idea is dumb, slap in the face for newer players for sure.
the easiest way is to run there, light the torches and wait for other players to do it for you 😀
chest doesnt show up, I got all of them true. Is there missing something?
i was a bit pissed of by the previous pet battle… now this, i 'm missing sooo many things…
Accursed Tome of the Sargerei works for the corrupted altar! Just stumbled upon that one today.
im stuck in void altar
ah yes, a secret that requires specific things from events that only happen 1 week out of the month! (darkmoon fair)
What if you don't have the ring toy?
Only did two on my own. The others was just getting close and done eheheh
Don’t have the Ring of Broken Promises, so I’m stuck until the Darkmoon Faire is up. 🙁 I did get past the pet battle, though—all RNG, with crits and many tries.
For the Sin one i just found out using a mount with "sin" in its name worked too, had the pet and the back piece but no pet so i tried my court sinrunner mount and it worked
in my shard we have everything listed for succubus but its not working
This step is where I throw in the towel. too much prep needed.
Why does the corrupt ghost do not show to me?
Can anyone help me with this one?
Damn I might be checking out at this one it’s pretty rough
Oh gosh, I think this is harder than the pet battle! Geez!!
it seems you need all three toys for the void. I have the cloak, the pet and the totem but it doesn't register as completed
to void, you can use any cloak that has the same appearance as the Cloak of the Black Void (or it if you have it)
I have found out that you need the Pet Battle to get the chest at the end. but I recommend to get all of them complete before the chest so you can collect it after pet battle struggel so your not missing out free and easy quest complete before the chest part.
wow, i bought the sinstone from exalted vendor for my hunter – since you know ACCOUNTWIDE PROGRESSION!!! – and i cant use it on my main (shaman) who progressed the quest to this point…. Do these people in the HQ dont think about the content they're releasing??? i have to replay hours and days of old content just to progress this one step because i did it on another character… GG and all of this despite me being lv80 on each covenant.
This is serious bullshit to time gate and make people waste more time with this game.
Any easy blood mounts ?? thanks
where or how do you get the crystal of focusing connections thingy to beem self into the locked room in catacombs ?
no chest for me. all true…
sometime i love the wow community, i went there and there was a player with all the things listed helping others to complete this step
i have all true, but i didnt see the chest
all is true for me except the chest, cause i can't see it, someone had the same problem?
You are awesome. ty
For the corrupted altar, I think demon hunters can use Corrupted Skull toy?
The lust part does not work – have done everything exactly as described, no dice
if anyone want to group… i tried to get the toys and stuff but since its old content I couldn't find to do it… i need help with this
Anyone having issues seeing the chest? the script says all the alters are true, but chest false
and I thought the pet battle was rough… ; /