This video covers the events of Vanilla World of Warcraft (aka “Classic WoW”) from the basic story lines of the Alliance and Horde to the plot of the end game raids. This video covers everything you need to know in the context of Classic WoW. Eventually things explained in this video get retconned with the adding of new characters and whatever- but this is the plot of it all prior to any retcons.
All cards were created on using photos from either Blizzard Entertainment’s Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos, Frozen Throne, Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft, or art acquired from If any of the artists or owners of any images used would like their art removed please feel free to contact me and I’ll swap it out.
All footage and music used was taken from the properties created and owned by Blizzard Entertainment. Including World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Mists of Pandaria, Legion, and Battle for Azeroth, Hearthstone, and World of Warcraft TCG.
#Classic #Warcraft #Lore
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Alliance Leveling Lore: A vast conspiracy of subterfuge, corruption, and betrayal, leading to a twist and the first raiding boss of the game.
Horde Leveling Lore: there's some demons under the city, oh good you solved it.
This is definitely the best video on the subject, thank you so much!
17 minutes wasted not talking about mankrik’s wife
Honestly the most comprehensive videos ever made. Thanks you so so much. Please keep it up!!!!
Thanks a lot for this video. I grew up with Warcraft 3, but I was too young for WoW, so I missed all the lore that followed.
From classic, BC, To Wrath it all just came to an amazing conclusion especially…until Cataclysm
Mulgore didnt used too be grassy when the tauren lived there. they build a bunch of norias during the construction of ogrimmar too make it so 🙂
I feel like WoW would have had a better story if the timeline of the war of scarabs or whatever the fuck it was called and naxxramus switched and c'thun was the final boss, leaving just enough time to make wrath of the lich king the first expansion.
I just want to say that I, teon white played on the Mannoroth server, and ended up doing something I don't remember, but I had an item called "Eye of sargaras" in my inventory. It really happened and I didn't imagine it, and I didn't know who sargaras was at the time.
Warsong Gultch. Love it…
These videos are about to get real busy with the announcement of the worldsoul saga. thanks so much!
Incredibly cool. Thanks for this! Very interesting.
Completely inconsistent hate wowa lore which was something i used to love about it
Random adventures be killing Gods on the regular in Azeroth. You'd think the Gods would stop messing with mortals, if they value their lives 😎
too bad hakkar caused the corrupted blood plague
so it's not all the lore. misleading title
Back when the story made sense. Screw the Jailor and all the space dudes who came in later expansions
I wonder if that high priest was one of the Nethrazim. They already infiltrated and controlled the Scarlet Crusade. I'm sure they were trying the same with the Argent Dawn.
The more I think about the lore the less sense it makes. Why are the Horde is fighting against the night elves? They were allies 10(?) years ago. Why the night elves didn't ally themselves with the Horde in the first place, when again, they were allied recently. The Horde cleaning up so many threaths in the Eastern Kingdom is just weird, how did they get anywhere near those places so easily. What was the Alliance doing, especially with the Dark Horde, that was one of the major threats to them?
Less objective part comes now, so be prepared!
I also can't really make much sense how someones dead relatives turn out they aren't exactly dead, and they are still pretty much around, but everyone is just like "nope, you don't exist anymore, I hate you and you need to leave from the place you and I both lived". The fact that the Alliance straight up denies the undead's claim to Lordaeron is just weird, and it is depicted with barely any nuance. I think the first time both sides wanted to make up with each other was before BfA when Calia Menethil died. Also how many good and well intentioned people just straight up turn evil after they have been raised as Forsaken. They started off really strong with at the begining, the player character has to come into terms with them being undead, but then they just all go around turning other's undead (this is Cataclysm lore mostly, but they were using the plague before that as well).
There was such an interesting way to bring their story, but they were just Scourge 2.0.
those cards animation are cool
Hey thanks for the video I definitely learned a lot and plan to check out more. One bit of feedback I have is that I was very confused by the adventurers that knocked down various raids. I had to look them up for example Blademistress Lyss, Toshley, the night elf rogue. All I could really find is that they are TCG characters but I don't find evidence they were involved in these adventures. Similarly I couldn't validate that Rokhan etc was involved in blackrock mountain. I think if these are stand-ins for a random champion it might be better to make those cards more generic if there is no canon established for who did these things. By contrast there are places where the stack of cards did represent characters that were involved, for example the remaining paladins or the AQ forces. Great vid thanks again
This is so cool. I played wow as a young teen back in burning crusade through cataclysm. A decade later I finally learn the lore.