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Hackers Ruined BO6 Ranked Play

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Hackers Ruined BO6 Ranked Play

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  1. Activision has little reason to care for the top 5-10% of players when the rest still feed them millions. The only number they care about is the one following a $ sign. How many of those banned 19k players bought the game again? I'd say most of them. There's very little integrity left at this point, so don't expect anything to change.

  2. On Xbox ypu can turn off cross play. I did it but had to turn it back on because there weren't enough people playing the game just on xbox in my opinion. It would take to long to get into a lobby oe even a match for that matter, it was horrible. Unless you play on weekends only when most kids are out of school 🤷🤦. Me personally, after playing nearly a hundred hours so far, have not encountered this issue with cheaters. If I did it wasn't that bad, I however have had non stop problems with lagging issues,game freezing up, taking up a point on my own vs 3 enemies just for the game to freeze for 10 seconds and then wake up dead. This has been going on non stop to the point where I would just need to leave the math.

  3. Think about us pc players that like cod but also have to deal with these losers. I wish I could turn pc cheater crossplay off and just play with console people lol. I'd rather deal with aim assist than this!

  4. I know its pretty sad but i was happy when ranked launched. I pretty much just play regular snd so i knew that all the cheaters would go to ranked and leave the regular lobbies alone mostly. Its not a good thing, but it is a thing lol

  5. I got banned last Saturday because I got accused of hacking. I’m in plat and literally go even every game but one game I went like 39-10 and I got banned. Haven’t been able to play yet, kinda disappointed in the game.

  6. I got comm banned for 14 days for telling off a team of cheaters in my crim 2 lobby make it make sense Cod is so fucking far gone black ops 6 ranked is trash mw3 I ran into barely no cheaters like this is insane the cheaters are not banned yet but I got a comm banned for telling the team of cheaters there ass

  7. The anti cheat doesn’t work this game is done I can’t with this game I am crim 2 and I have run into 6 rage hackers within 1 hour this game is dog shit no anti cheat with black ops mw3 I never ran into cheaters like wtf is going on

  8. I’ve never been banned before don’t even know what I said and who cares it’s cod but to let these hack companies ruin gaming it’s pathetic we need to go back 20 years ago when everyone was on console so much better

  9. Am just going to quit playing call of duty until it’s all fixed or until they decide to let us console players switch off crossplay other than that I won’t be playing as it’s no fun


    I got that weird bug in ranked that my created classes/setup won’t work. Like I do all my setup by the rules and when I pick them ingame I either get the XM4, PDW or the other AR.

    I really dont know how to fix this issue..

  11. Good that they turned crossplay on permanently, now you console players see what us pc players have to deal with on ranked. Maybe activision will try a little bit harder to get rid of cheaters now cus of all you crying console players

  12. The craziest thing to me is them saying theres an anti cheat at all when theres thousands of accounts that played hours and hours cheating to even get 50 wins to play ranked then get 7k sr+ to be crim and up. Aimbotting and walling for multiple days time played. How bad is anticheat gotta be to not notice that

  13. Bro do you really think that stump havoc and the list goes do not cheat?! XD how do you think they made it up there with all those cheatersXD ….. wake up. Probably you are cheating aswell just not that blatant.

  14. The worst part about forcing crossplay on is you can never know if you got worked and outplayed or they just knew where you were all along. The reads get really good around d1 because people read spawns well, but there is blatant stuff in every other lobby where where the average rank is d3+ if you are solo que. You end up in these weird hacker vs hacker games where people are cheating on their team and then your teammates turn their cheats on to fight back. The game devolves into chaos and you basically have to change your entire play style from strategic play to just running at and snaking objectives to force their cheater to shoot at you so your cheater can shoot at them. It's wild.

  15. That No cry was cheating in a Nadeshot lobby. They're never going to fix anti cheat they'd have to make / use an intrusive client, Something that would make casuals not play. This is my first cod black since bo3 and I got it on ps5 to avoid cheaters. I've been play csgo since I quit cod, the cheats finally got to me, that's why I got cod. I'm max prestige, but I'm not going to touch ranked unless they allow me to turn crossplay off.

  16. The only thing that bugs me about what you said is removing crossplay( I agree it should be removed in Ranked but as if all cheaters are on PC ) . you even say there are cheats on console then kinda ignore it , then complain about crossplay as if crossplay is the only reason there is cheaters. The big issue is cheats in general I feel like your blame is missplaced and so is a lot of the communities. Anti Cheat needs to be fixed(whether or not thats possible is a different conversation )And the reason for no crossplay in RANKED is because controller is better then mnk we all know this you look at any pro league fps that has aim assist all the top pros are on controller. I'm gonna take a wild guess and assume after crossplay was forced in cod a lot of people noticed the cheater problem therefor causing people to blame crossplay/pc. what I believe happened is an influx of cheating because cheats are easier/readly available on PC. all of that is true but to sit here and solely blame crossplay and PC players for an anticheat issue just boggles my mind. Sorry crossplay has put a spotlight on the cheaters but please stop blaming PC players. a cheater is a cheater whether or not the do it on PC or console can we agree on that.

  17. Hacking is not as frequent now for PC players from there being more console players in ranked. don’t agree with Crossplay being disabled, you should play everyone when you wanna be the best… But I acknowledge there’s a huge issue with higher level ranked hacking. I want to verse a larger player pool, which in turn dilutes hackers down a lot.

  18. PSA: On Xbox you can turn off crossplay under the console settings (under privacy settings). Not the best solution as it keeps giving a warning that "you can't play with people outside of xbox" but works for the time being!

  19. Hacking is one problem, and we all suffer from it—PC players and console players alike. But what fundamentally makes no sense is forcing console players and PC players into the same pool in an FPS game.

    The majority of the player base is on consoles, yet consoles simply can’t compete with the performance and customization options that PCs have. Even if there were no cheaters at all, the rankings would still be completely skewed. A PlayStation player, no matter how skilled, will always be at a disadvantage against a similarly skilled PC player because of the superior precision, input, and hardware capabilities that PCs offer.

    The anti-cheat system has never been perfect; hackers will always find a way around it. And yes, that sucks for PC players. But why does the largest segment of the player base—console players—have to be thrown into this mess? Crossplay should absolutely be optional for consoles. Forcing it on players, especially in ranked, just doesn’t make sense. 💀💀💀

  20. I was irid every season last cod on console. I am currently hard stuck D3. Day 3 I hit D3 and played 13, yes 13 cheaters in a row. Every other day has had a decent amount of cheaters as well and now my account is chalked. I was getting 150 in D3. I’m down to 40-60.

  21. You can turn crossplay off in Xbox settings, that’s what I’ve done and it’s so much more accurate and fun, just lose when the other teams better than me never anything suss ever but with it on almost every game it felt suspect asf

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