Nostalgia & World of Warcraft

Discussing nostalgia in gaming. Not just in the context of WoW, but just gaming in general.

Super Mario WR by somewes:

If you have any suggestions, requests, or just general feedback let me know in the comments or with a message. I try my best to answer or at least read as many as I can.

Music from

‘WetGrass Inspired’ [Tristram] by AmIEviL:
Seasons of War:
Nerevar Rising cover by Jonas Lefvert:
Hyrule Field Remix by Qumu:
Stormwind Music:
WoW BC Soundtrack Silvermoon City:
WoW Login Music:
Legion Anduin’s Theme:

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  1. I picked a Night Elf hunter as my first ever character, maybe 7 or 8 on my older brother's account. I got bored easily and made new characters constantly, but there was something magical about seeing Tiragarde keep for the first time, and dying over and over just to explore it.

    As many have likely said, it was the sense of adventure; a whole new world. For a lonely neurodivergant boy, it was love at first sight. It was something to escape into.

  2. I know that I'm late to the party, but I disagree with this video. Although I know people who will refuse to give a game a try if it's older than a decade, people can be just as close minded regarding trying out genres that they never interacted with in the past and it's unrelated to the quality of these games. I never got to play shin megami tensei nocturne until recently as it released 4 years before I was born, yet it is one of my favorite video games thanks to it's timeless gameplay and unique setting, and it's not the only case I fell in love with an old game. Baldurs gate, dishonored, diablo, ff7 and morrowind all offered me unforgettable journeys that I would have missed out on were I to judge these games before even playing them based on their age, and I don't see why more people don't give older gems a try with how easy it is to step into shit when playing only the newest releases.

  3. I think nostalgia is valid because when people say "nostalgia" they actually refer to certain quailities. For me what makes me nostalgic about WOW vanilla is the aesthetics, the sounds, the story, designs, characters and overall art direction. What I like about the game is the sense of wander that it creates. You're an adventurer lost in a vast world that feels enchanted and magical, alive. It's truly a beautiful world and I think that's what makes us nostalgic about it.

  4. Good game is like a book – it doesn't matter how many years have passed since the release. There are today's kids that completely fallen in love with Mario, Fallout, Diablo, cause those were just very very good stories and games made by heart. But i guess everybody here will agree, that games today aren't made with that passion as before.

  5. Best time i ever had in vanilla was the travel and see all places inis and raids

    First time to become my 60% mount was priceless

    And my heart bleeding when i remember all the people i never see in real life but play with them together
    In past the most people’s was great and nice and we meet us again after a finished quest

  6. There was a video where they interviewed random people asking what they think about the subscription fee. This was done back in the early 2000s, it brought me so much nostalgia when I saw it. But for the life of me I have no idea how to find it again.

  7. classic wow feels more like a world and rpg than modern wow. classic RPG elements etc. I never played vanilla but played some tbc and wotlk. loved leveling and just playing. later on i played on classic servers and they were so good. i didnt actually have any nostalgia 😀

  8. I literally listened to the allcraft video of the run from teldrasill to elwynn at work today. It made me so happy. This game used to mean everything to me. I can tell you might say the same. Thanks for the video friend.

  9. WoW nostalgia hits me so hard. I haven’t played since legion. My best friend I played with since TBC passed away, the games never been the same to me anymore. So many good memories though.

  10. I was blown away by the game. I was an orc, warrior, and almost everyone didn't know what to do in the beginning. When I hit level 40(which was a pain in the ass considering I played tank but with damage talent skills) a guy named Fraxtonn came to me and just started talking to me. I said what I was doing and he told me everything I did wrong, I thought he was a time traveler because he knew things I didn't know anyone can know. I asked him how to get my mount and how to farm gold, he just laughed. Told me that it will be hard and I will need to be dedicated. He told me some ways, I did them and in 1 week I think I got like 5 gold or something(I don't remember really). He told me that I needed to just grind all day long, and when I told him I'll do that he gave me the money for the mount. He was the best in my server( at least I believed him to be). Fast forward to TBC. He hit level 70 in no time and just disappeared. I didn't know what happened to him. 2 months into the game and he came back. Told me he came only to see his WoW friends( no one was there except me). He told me he had lung cancer and that he wouldn't make it. He gave me a lot of items, gold and stuff I would need. Told me farewell and never saw him again. I found his girlfriend, and she told me he died the next day he said goodbye to me. That made me re-think my life. Think about every human u were online friends with. Their lives,families.

  11. I'm sad that I didnt experience the earlier expansions of world of warcraft. I'm only 15 and I first started playing mop when it just came out, i used to watch my brother play wotlk before, he was also young like 5-6 years old. Now mop is even nostalgic i cant imagine the nostalgia with vanilla would feel like. Such a strange thing nostalgia is. Lol.

    This makes me remember even more nostalgic games that I played when I was 4, games like splinter and assassins creed were the first games I experienced

  12. The hamburger pie reminded me of this chicken pasta my mom made, none of the ingredients were homemade but whenever i ate it I felt happy, and my father who wasn't really there for me in childhood would talk about how he could make the alfredo sauce and stuff from scratch and it was so much better but. How can it be better if he never made it for me? Thank you for the video

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