Anduin’s Theme (World of Warcraft) – Orchestral Arrangement

Original Song by Neal Acree
Art by Glenn Rane

Link to sheet music!

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  1. It really was a pleasure to see the boy king grow into a true leader. Still have tons of space to fill, but his father left him quite the shoes to do so.

  2. He barely an adult and had to take on the burden of being king after the treacherous horde left the raid like cowards leaving the Alliance behind forcing king Wyrnn to make the ultimate sacrifice so that the men could escape. He showed the true meaning of lok tar Ogar and kept of fighting the legion to the very end..

  3. Anduin. Out of all in Shadowlands he has got the most to process. The little lion has much more to learn. But he has people waiting his return, Tyrellian, Baine, Jania, Greymane, and his people. Let the light guide you and you will find the answer Anduin. Long may you reign.

  4. Its so strange to think of anduin as someone i have grown up with (was 14 when wow came out and played since) so its strange to know we have been there every step of the way (am alliance player since day 1)i saved anduin from onixiyas deception, i stood by him when he faced garrosh alone with anduin knowing he could die (MoP) i was there when varian sacrificed himself and anduin found his fathers sword! I was there in to retake lorderan, fought by his side and helped save him in the shadowlands!

  5. When I pass, my firstborn will receive and audio file.
    This song will play in the background as my monologue plays. I will address his sadness and possible concerns. As the music changes, I will encourage him and give him my last words of wisdom and then at the end I will say “I love you son”

  6. I come here two weeks after my mom passed away.

    She fight against a cancer. We learn about it last September, but it was too late to save her, it was incurable. She know that i used to play Warcraft since i'm a kid (i finished Warcraft 3 : RoC on my 6th Birthday, two month later i started playing WoW on my brother account with my own character, a Nigh Elf Warrior).

    Warcraft was a important part of my life, and when i turned 18 Y.O., Legion come out two month after (i'm born in June, Legion come out in August). It was my first time on my own account on Official (between Pandaria and WoD, i played on a Private Server, shame on me). And i started raiding with my friends AND my brother (i never played WoW with him before). My mom, when i tell her that i had to eat earlier some evening (in France, we usualy eat between 7 PM and 9 PM, it's all depend of people's habits) was okay with that. I talk with her of our progress. I didn't play so much BFA. But on all my progress, i never finished a Raid in NM before ShadowLands, because of the lack of motivation.

    But, when i started to play ShadowLands, i come in a new guild thanks to a old guildmate from the guild of my brother at Legion. We cleaned the NM in two weeks. And next to WoW, i stop working for taking care of my mom. It was my only way to let off steam. And the fact that i know my mom support me when i'm playing giving me more motivation and i became the RL of the Second Roster of my guild.

    With the Roster 2, we cleaned the HM at the end of february. And the two rosters ended up merging because my mother's condition was deteriorating and i didn't have the strenght to take care of my mom and lead my fellow onto Nathria. I was okay to carry on raiding, but i wanna stop leading.

    Two weeks ago, she's gone. The day it happened, I went on a raid because I know that's what she would have wanted. But now, when i'm raiding, I no longer have anyone to tell my tale.

    I miss my mom so much, and everytime i playing wow, i think about her. And sometime it make me cry. But sometime i listen to this song, and i know that her "actions were indeed heroic. They were [her] challenge to us, [her children] to never let fear prevail. Even at the very gates of hell"

  7. To understand what Alliance means for some players like me is hard. I m new player at the saxophone, I was so insipred that I learned this as one of my first songs. I tried many time play Horde I just can't I don't feel good playing it, I like a lot shaman class and to be proprer shaman(well kinda since in vanilla shaman was only horde) you need be Horde, I just can't.

  8. Anduin: I can't do this, Father. I can't be the hero you were. I can't be the king you were.
    Genn: (places Shalamayne in front of the grieving prince) Anduin, your father's actions were indeed… heroic. They were his challenge to us, his people, to NEVER let fear prevail. Even at the very depths of Hell.
    Anduin (Seeing the spirit of his father) Wh-What am I supposed to do *now*?
    Varian: What a king MUST do.

  9. My allegiance is to the Alliance, but i must play horde to be competetive in Cutting Edge PvE content and be able to play with friends. All because of Blizzard's idiotic racials design and faction pve restrictions.

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