Orweyna Hears Azeroth Voice Cinematic. Khadgar, Jaina, Aethas Remember Dalaran. All Cutscenes. World of Warcraft. The War Within. Goblins did to Undermine under Gallywix. Khadgar of the Wheelchair aids Jaina and Kalecgoes in cheering up Aethas Sunreaver, and remembering Dalaran as the floating city it once was. Kel Thuzad makes a surprise appearance in the pocket dimension with bigglesworth. YES.
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Anduins Theme Remix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoeGPYEcI64
Anduins Theme: All Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6OEInALE98
Arthas My Son Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYFM_uOLIws
Arthas Invincible Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CSyeFr-vNU
Who am I? Grand Marshal Athelarius. Hero of the Alliance. Rank 1 Gladiator & Cutting Edge Raider. Lover of Warcraft Lore.
Anduin Meets Sylvanas In Maw Cinematic. Jailer’s Defeat & Arthas Soul Epilogue. All Cutscenes. Tyrande damns Sylvanas to the Maw for Eternity. Arthas’ Essence is gone. Anduin leaves the throne to Turalyon to lead the Alliance. Lor’thermar seeks out Kael’thas, the last prince of Silvermoon.
0:00 Orweyna Cinematic
4:57 Fate of Kirin Tor & Dalaran
Of course I added the music in the background silly. I thought this was like a given by now!
**More Warcraft Lore to add to your playlist & viewing pleasure!**
**Complete WoW Movie (Vanilla-War Within): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Q4gFrmCLYY (20 years Special)
Complete Legion Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCL62pPv250
Complete Dragonflight Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-K1NeqiOqLs
Complete Battle for Azeroth Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcVYsE1yzBI
Complete Shadowlands Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MKtq_9n7RI
Complete Cataclysm Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLfoBjppW6U
#wow #warwithin #cinematics
As an ongoing cancer survivor, Warcraft’s stories continue to be a source of comfort & relief. This is the best way I’ve found to introduce the wonderful World of Warcraft to old and new players alike, with its rich lore, characters and extreme potential. You can expect a retelling of in-game questlines, dialogue, adventures, cinematics & cutscenes to help players keep up with the ever evolving lore of the game.
It’s an incredible experience from start to finish! If that sounds like you, then you’re in the right place!
World of Warcraft belongs to the mighty Blizzard Entertainment.
Soundtracks/Images Used: (Note- All Credit for music and/or images used belongs and goes to the artists/creators of this amazing music/art. No Copyright Infringement is intended).
A mix of Battle for Azeroth OST – from World of Warcraft & Warcraft 3 OST.
World of Warcraft. Chains of Domination. All Cinematics up to 9.1 Recap. Includes Sylvanas vs. Bolvar, Nathanos vs. Tyrande, Anduin vs. Sylvanas, Mourneblade Reborn, Ysera’s Rebirth, Denathrius’ Betrayal & Covenant Campaigns with Kael’thas and Kel’thuzad & Arthas Memories.
World of Warcraft & Warcraft 3: Reforged belongs to the mighty Blizzard Entertainment.
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©2004 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. World of Warcraft, Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
what is the song at 10:55 ? its beautiful
Khadgar on a pink magic chair.. wtf.. blizzard is dead.
b4 u comment about woke remember that u wont get a gf bitching about women in video games
y se a treven oh claro para ellos si hay voz para nosotros nada …
woke 💩
Where can I find the kirin for cutscene at?
Imagine publishing this shit
Are these the dark troll ancestors that evolved into trolls and night elves?
It looks like Navi
This is ………. just awful.
Where did goblins dig undermine exactly in the video? Didn’t see anything
So they're the missing link between the trolls and elves???
Tyranda and Malfurion II : Bat Boogaloo?
since when azeroth had stronk bat woomans from jamaica?
dog, they have a mage in a wheelchair now ? its now where you ask , who have we become , how did we get to this point
Can some one explain the end ??
You guys had chance to introducing for us NERUBIANS! and you gave us NOTHING!
again a race without shoes….
ewwww more dei charachters. i can smell the wakanda all over this.
Why haven't they given us Harronir as playable characters??? Rather that than Earthen…
This is why I unsubbed
Troll elf 😂
Okay i have multiple issues with that,
Firstly why khadgar in wheelchair, thats floating just be a regular chair or even regular carpet would suit him he's not archmage xavier from x men.
Second new girlboss failed to turn highelf, i understand we need new characters but u can make her likeable, she's like medivh with help us againts void… Be better blizzard,
Thırd i get it dalaran krin tor just keeps dying cause high ass mages but let it rest u milked enough bliz,
Forth im pretty sure Jaina talked to then, why not start with boats i ilke boats 😂
But hey i like kel'thuzads cat is in the mirror image too 😂
Jaina: "We need to let go of the past and attone for our mistakes"
Every Horde Player: "So how do you intend to atone for all the horde civilians you killed?"
İ like kel'thuzad make projection bout his kitty 😂
Wow really turned to shit.
I'm tired from this bullshit about feelings like in soap opera.
Great Story @Athelarius
(Who'd Thought That An Elder Scroll Would Just Show Up On Azeroth) And It Could Mean A
LOT Of Things Like A Crossover And Those
Scrolls Are VALUBLE
To Cyrodiil So How
Did It End Up Here
Tho 🤔 And As An
Advid TES Fan I Approve
Of This And The TES Lore Does Confirm
That The Dragon Aspects DO Exist In Tamriel Thanks To Dragonborn DLC
This Is A HUGE Conformation
That Nirn And
Azeroth Are Siblings Because Azeroth Is An Adedric Planet Where
Nirn Is Daedric In Origin
But They Mirror And Yes Nirn Is Surrounded By 17
Daedric Realms Of Oblivion And We Don't Know How Big The Realm Ouside Azeroth
A another nock off Tyande whisper wind this quest line is underwhelming.
6:42 By The Nine IS THAT AN ELDER SCROLL??????? What
Is An Elder Scroll Doing
In Azeroth??????
Good Lord I’m glad I completely gave up on retail WoW. That was one of the worst cinematics I’ve ever seen from Blizz. Terrible design on that race and terrible writing.
Bayek's voice actot, great choice, but abubakar salim is way too overqualified fur this role
For a content called THE WAR Within, of a game called World of WARCRAFT, where we are supposedly fighting a WAR, there is a lot of yapping.
What are these mongrel races?
Furries, furries everywhere….
i thought about returning but after seeing this cinematic of allianz yapping no swords crossing im 100% sure i wait till warcraft returns to his roots
Couldn't the Dark Trolls just be Dark Trolls? Do we really need these fucking Rasta Elves?
Holyshit, this is bad.
Yeeeah, I think I've seen enough to skip the rest of the "saga". Can we get classic+ or something that does not contain this level of cringe?
Feels like HR video
Compared to the wrathgate in Wotlk, the ingame cinematics and story sure as hell gone corny.
beware the eyes of green
This is world of warcraft?
– I'm Orweyna and I am seeking help.
– Hey, Orwyena, you'd better seek help!
– Thank you, I'll go to seek help.
I'm not the one to kick a dead horse, but… really?!
This is why i play classic