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Yeah try this in bronze and sup keeps hitting the minions
Reality: enemy bot helped leashed -> enemy jg lvl3 fast -> enemy jg lvl3 gank bot -> now your bot is fked caz you already pushed the lane and the opponent get to perma zone
told my jungler I couldn't leash, they came and spammed dance in my lane until 15 minutes and then refused to FF after feeding several kills because they were just spamming dance in lane.
Nice video
he is advancing because its a yuumi support.
Idiotic video and bad example
is varus good for adc??
I think the reason he didn’t base immediately is because the wave was too big and would push too fast so he’d lose minions.
He is only winning bc the support knows how to play. We can all manage minions like this….
the actual truth is that laning phase was completely lost because that yummi
Name this
And we only watched the first 2 minutes of the vid
Thanks man me and my friend got 3 wins in a row thanks to this. Powerful😀
TLDR: this video is USELESS if you are under master ELO
junglers wont ever forgive you if you dont pull their buff and troll the game
(they dont know about "prio" for them its YOUR JOB)
supports don't play for you or the team , they go full ap and strangles you from any gold income (then flame you)
doesnt place wards (i have high vision score than all my supp with just pinks )
jungle pathing (enemy or allies) are random , you cannot predict or anticipate the enemy jungler pathing
this video is useless , unles you watch it with a full FLEX team , and apply it
USELESS for anything under master tier
silver noob here, why does he not push the wave? at 6:00 instead of having the minions fight in the middle? isnt it going to be potentially lost gold? because there is no way of getting denied farm with enemy champions not on lane?
Thank for the tip!
Told jungler, that i can´t leash and he went afk…
how to sound like an Alpha-Gen loser
"ch-ch-ch-ch-chill" "nah-nah-nah-nah-nah" "Alpha mindset"
Am i wrong or varus not leashing here is because there is a possiblity that enemy jungler starts from red which lets kaisa to push lane before varus can arrive. Main reason being here is kai sa wants to get prio here because of yuumi being weak at level 1. So he just eliminates the chance of kai sa getting the first prio
totally agree with the mentality tips but a few questions:
varus started farming as kaisa came to lane after leashing, if she started q she would have killed the melee minions at the same time as varus, so what did not leashing achieve in the end?
Following that varus pushes into the bush to trade for free because a lulu is stronger than a yumi level 1 and he outranges kaisa. what if he was laning into a more dangerous comp? Lulu also positions exceptionally well in these trades (doesn't look like a plat player imo). It looks more like a sup diff than the adc putting them ahead
Terrible video and awful example. A pro player vs an autofilled plat lane (last year's silver) cannot be educational. Kai'sa and Yumi are hard trolling from lv1 and they never stop, they are flat out inting.
Suggesting not to leash is pure ignorance, you're not sacrificing ANYTHING by hitting the buff 4 times and the instances in which priority is crucial are very few and matchup dependant. Your lack of knowledge about this destroys the credibility of the whole video.
The very next point is also wrong, minion priority in this example is negligible, in fact it favors the other lane until the lv2 since the red caster minions can attack Varus but the blues cannot hit Kai'sa due to positioning. The trade result was ONLY AND ENTIRELY due to lv1 champ diff + wrong skill and rune pick by Kai'sa.
don't leash, get prio
have kaisa yumi against or any other duo bot lane that is not lucian nami or something that can kick your ass
last hit
get lvl2
win every game?
is not like that, i've tried
this video is so ass
i don’t get it
watched the vied oan said ok ima hop in to a game and not leash and my jg just comes to lane and starts farming and he s there right now too and i m just runing it down mid fuck ppl like that i play a lot of jg and i know u dont get leash every time ig ppl r just to stupid to understand that
in the first 'lane priority tip' he accomplished nothing by being in the lane? would have ended up the exact same if he'd leashed.
Tbh I think leashing is fine. But by leashing, I mean just tossing out maybe three or four auto attacks while kiting towards lane. Every time I've done this, I get to lane at the appropriate time anyway and the chances of my jungle being able to either gank faster or get scuttle faster go up and I didn't actually lose anything. The real problem is staying for longer than a few seconds.
This guide sucks lmao. As if not leashing gives you prio. What if you play Kog Soraka vs Nautilus Caitlyn, u still wanna engage them lvl 1?