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Most Played Races in WoW: You Won’t Believe Earthen’s Rank…

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No hate against Earthen, just not my cup of tea, but Harronir or Ethereals seems like an exciting new playable race. Also let’s look at races and what players play the most in The War Within.

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  1. My reasoning for not making an Earthen , is simply because a can’t be bothered to complete the quest lines required for unlocking it. That and it just doesn’t fit the horde and alliance already had 2 dwarf races.

  2. I think Earthen are as unpopular as they are for two reasons:
    – Alliance already has two flavours of Dwarf to choose from; anyone who likes that aesthetic already has a character they're attached to.
    – Playing a Dwarf in the Horde just feels wrong; their design and general vibe has been too firmly ingrained as "Alliance coded" at this point.

  3. Dracthyr is amazing, it's very close to perfection, a few tweaks to model sizes and width and adding Monk, DK and Paladin to the choices will make the race perfect.

  4. We have had shared capitals now for some time. I think its about time any race can choose alliance or horde like pandas, earthen and drakthyr on creation. we can choose to switch for pvp

  5. I actually expected vulpera to be much higher, these days you see sooo many of them

    I guess if by statistics if they wouldnt count ALL of the characters from 20 years like all inactive characters / accounts the list would be much different cause i see sooo many allied races rather than the rest and on high population horde realms i see especially alot of vulpera and zandalari tho still blood elfs are very common

  6. Earthen should be unlocked by default. War within zones are not as fun as old zones. I think I need couple of more expansions before I will journey back there to unlock them

  7. I like my Earthen. But I can also see why people dont like Earthen.
    Earthen for once have somewhat weird customization, their whole story and characterization wasnt really all that good, the class choice is barebones compared to other races and their racials are also not as good. I mean sure, permanent food buff as well as the 10% bonus armor is nice. But the rest is nieche and especially after the Dracthyr and what a banger that race is with their racials the Earthen do feel flat and weak. And all that added with the race being rather new makes them stand very low.

    I do believe they will one day stand above mechagnomes one day, but not soon.

  8. I was making a new character the other day, looking at the different options because its been a while, and some races kind of suck. For example… I love undead lore, but they look stupid. You can have a smeared mouth or spots. Yay. And the hunch looks dumb and still has clipping issues. They need to update everything to look better. I ended up making a mechagnome.

  9. I'd say there are multiple facters for each race/classes popularity.
    Appealing races like the various elves as well as humans are surely popular.
    Then there's the class fantasy aka "how can I reproduce a WC3 unit in WoW?" Night Elf Druids and Demon Hunters, Blood (Elf) Mages, Human Paladin, Orc Shaman, Elf Hunters (Marksmanship), Orc Hunters (Beastmaster/Rexxar) etc. Newer versions would be the Lightforged Draenei Paladin for example-.
    A few classes are/were more limited than others. Druids had one race per faction in Vanilla, Demon Hunters since Legion, same with Blood Elf Paladin and Draenei Shamans that fit their respective class fantasy much less than the other races back in TBC but those races were in the opposing faction so their numbers have been boosted to be the highest of their class.
    Next there's the availability bonus. Allied Races may be appealing but need to be unlocked first, so the base races have a leg up here.
    And finally the transmog factor. That one naturally favors the appealing races but also the other races the more human-like they are. For example on the Alliance side the Night Elf Druids are domination with Worgen far below compared to Tauren that are only slightly ahead of Trolls and Zandalari Trolls when it comes to Druids. They had a huge advantage being the only horde druid race but that's no longer the case. Trolls are not the best in terms of transmog but they are better than Tauren while Worgen and Kul Tirans can't really compete with Night Elves there.

  10. Sure, why not? I mean Blizzard seems to be hellbent on removing gender from the game. Hence why in Dragonflight we got genderless Dracthyr made in a lab, then in TWW we got genderless stone robot Dwarves made by a machine, and of course genderless Ethereals would only make sense. Gotta pander to that teeny tiny minority of people who really hate biological sex, but with a lot of influence, especially if your HQ is in California. No one actually breeds anymore, they're all sexless and being created by machines, so they can be free to choose if they're men or women.

  11. I do not like evoker they need to rework the class its not good.
    Also i would be interested to know the breakdown of Alliance Earthen to Horde. I still think its a big mistake to give Horde Earthen this idea of a neutral race should not be attached to a core race. If they gave the alliance orcs i would be mad. However if they gave the lore Half Draenei half orcs that look like a blinding of orc and Draenei i would be okay with it. Just absolutely not base or even maghar orcs they should be exclusive to Horde.
    Another exception would be blood elves but they gave us void elves instead of making blood elves neutral i wish they would though as blood elves have way more customization than void does. The allied races are really lacking in customization really.

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