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Returning to World of Warcraft in 2025?

After leaving Runescape, one of the obvious choices to try for a long term home was World of Warcraft, having played in the past and the recent changes in The War Within that greatly improve quality of life for those who have a bit of an alt problem like myself, let’s see if it can once again be my home game.

Rogue Energy:


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  1. I'm so glad you've found a new home. I loved your Building a Main + Path of the Titans series and am really enjoying learning about World of Warcraft and watching you play 🙂 Hope you really enjoy it!

  2. i think it would of been better to start with a freash character for ppl like me who havent played wow before would of been cooler to see it from the start

  3. Really excited to see this. I've played runescape on and off for a long time and switched to WoW in shadowlands. If you're concerned about your big step away from runescape, there are definitely people that will enjoy this content, especially when you get to the endgame content key pushing/raiding etc. Sorry to hear about your wrist, hope you can find ways to mend and play. Looking to push as healer/dps next season, maybe i'll see you in pugs. o7 sir.

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