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0:00 – Introduction
01:14 – Systems
03:40 – Top Changes
6:10 – Top Tier List
7:06 – Jungle Changes
8:55 – Jungle Tier List
9:26 – Mid Changes
11:40 – Mid Tier List
12:17 – ADC Changes
15:10 – ADC Tier List
15:57 – Support Changes
17:24 – Support Tier List
18:11 – SkillCapped & Outro
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Was nafarii not suppose to be a jungle?
whats the bgm name?
Y'all still puttin' Hwei in the support tier list but not APC..? Man.
Riot priorities for patches:
1 – Selling skins
2 – Pros
3 – Their own preferences
4 – Their dogs' preferences
5 – What realy needs to be done in order to fix solo Q.
Pro players get paid to play this game. Their job is to figure out how to play against all the op things in the game. Balance should not be tailored to making their already well paid job easier.
Hwei is a shemale, I'm confused
Yep… I see people complaining about being forced to play meta and their champion being weak, and you're right, I win more going to lolaytics and playing whoever toplaner has higher winrate than champions Im already experienced with
i love how many garbage tier champions got nerfed and A or S tier champions got buffed this patch
why are amumu and noc supposedly op?
where is udyr in jg tier list
Azir: with a word I end you
When the only adc you can really play is getting nerf 🙁
Riot balancing around pro play is the worst decision I’ve seen a company ever make. Such a dumb concept.
WHAT ABOUT UDYR??? Hes such a free elo champ
Nah Fuck phreak, Rumble is fucking gutted he literally loses to nearly all bruisers atm that rush hexdrinker as long as people are smart as soon as he overheats ends you fight and trade with him and he loses and u literally turbo win lane.
i dont get why cant they just do different patches for soloq and proplay
ADCs being nerfed due to pro play and high elo, is the worst
I think you are sick, if im right, take care and get well <3
Azirs R didnt get nerfed, its actually his w. Dunno if im lost or if this Vid is just wrong there.
Not the APA nurf
No cuz i main Azir
Not mutch being done about the adc spam, fun to see
no I do think champs should be balanced around pro play, however I don't think champ that have easy win conditions and are easy to pilot should be stronger than more difficult champ with narrower win conditions.
Sounds likw ezereal hit puberty
Everyone complaining about nerfs when it’s always been this lottery pick system. You can literally play any champion up till dia, skill expression is the biggest difference every game
Worlds coming, LETS nerf Faker 😂
fuckin buff jayce c'mon
Seraphine having ~49% wr and being in S tier just doesn't seems sensical
So Riot, when is Zeri, Tristana, Ezreal and Smolder getting nerfs? Oh right never. Smolder in pro play running around with 10 kills in mid and bot but no nerfs needed. Meanwhile you killed mage Corki with the rework and still nerf him.
Isn't the base shield value on Shen's passive a buff tho?
Jax picked every game in pro play, gets buffed again for another 100 times.
Adc’s are unplayable this patch lol. I will be a mage in the botlane for this patch thats for sure
I don't play league anymore, but I always come back to listen to Ezreal voice
I think we completely missed Vlad here
emerald comment section
love the videos bro
Why tristana is dead? Que mundo cruel pqp
In what world riot buffing xin, jarvan, viego and nerfing D tier Vi
as a top main tryndamere has to be 1 tier higher.
Pro Play should be handled like ARAM. While it is nice seeing what pros can do with the same champs as you it isnt fair to normal players to have their favourite champs stuck in pro jail for eternity. One of my friends loves Corki ADC but he can never play him cause Corki gets gutted every other patch.
riot buffed lissandra for 2 patches, shes finally good, and then revert those buffs for even worse, wtf
fck riot f k lol
fck riot fck league
Once again. You didnt talk about Azir s W nerfs on all levels. Im starting to think its on purpose but why ?
as a jhin main seing him staying untouched for multiple patch in a row is ridiculous. He legit is the best adc in the game rn since crit items are not moving. WTF is riot doing ?
Genuinely why don’t they have separate clients/patches for pro players balance for them and then balance for us. Balance for a more entertaining game for pros and then just balance normally for the rest of the game.
ADC tier list makes no sence these guys have no idea what they're talking about