With so many changes around the Mists of Pandaria Remix I thought it best to revisit the experience and guide newcomers and more casual farmers to finding success!
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Why do you have to keep recommending hyperspawns for "normal" people, as you call them? Hyperspawns are not normal gameplay. This is why they keep nerfing the hyperspawns.
I'm working on my 4th alt. Got a plate, leather, and mail to 70 already. Going for cloth now, and I'm about half way there. I have all the event exclusive transmogs and mounts. Just farming for bronze for the mounts that are available in retail still, but hard to get.
Trading gems is nice. I am done with my first character. They did all the quest/zones/achievements and used their bronze to Mounts/Transmogs. Now I'm on my first alt and leveling through raids and dungeons (279% xp boost). So I traded all my gems over. Helps when its the big 3 that take forever to get (Haste, Mastery, Crit. Also Vers) and trade them to the next toon. And once I hit 70, Ill do my 3rd toon the same way. Should have everything by the weekend. Even taking tomorrow off to do retail stuff. At least to get the bullion.
ALTS actually create them immediately and park in an inn! (Once your main has leveled, to XI have the alts unequip then reequip the cloak for the cloak to jump to max level 100% XP – that plus rested XP = faster)
where is this Bob Album? I need it!!
Not great advice imo. Heroic raids are way faster than normal raids now because there aren’t alts and undergeared people to carry. They also fill up relatively fast. If you can get accepted to a heroic raid, do heroic raids. Bosses die within seconds. The first three raids take 10 minutes each.
Just need 3 more heroic clears. or 2 heroic and 3 normal to bring my 9 year grind to an end. Then i can finally allow myself to enjoy playing remix and have fun.
Any "farms" take away from legit people just questing. I wish people would do some leveling guides that don't require farming or raids or dungeons. Just which quests are the fastest/ easiest for alts. You know, for the real casual player.
Just an FYI. The instance count lockout is per server.
Was having a awesome time playing fire Paladin until I discovered that it’s not possible to get exalted with the pearlfin jinyu faction from the jade forest and my whole point in doing remix was to finally get exalted reps with all the factions and loremaster done since it’s a fun excuse to do it. I’ve reached seventy, I’ve gotten what I wanted with the bronze and now I feel like I should have just done it on my main I already have after all. It’s been a fun week playing remix though.
Only need 4 more mounts and i am done 100% ✅
Really like Remix! My only complaint is 65+ and doing heriocs. Prior there was no issue at all. After, anything looks at you, you just die. Doing raids is far easier.
if i remember they sold access to the beta, so at least some of the beta access is determined that way
It's also a good time to get heritage armor sets. get to max, free 30K.. easy mogs and mounts
Were you able to complete the Kum Lai summit cheev? The Shado-pan part doesn't seem to do-able.
What's the point of playing remix if you played lots of Mop in the past and you already have all 70 alts in retail. I don't get this hype
"last season 4 rotation" what its the last weak of season 4 what??
please explain the ward raid runs 4 all the people who didnt understand them (inclouding me), thanks in advance 🙂
Great vid. However, I heard they will be killing raid finder in the new xpac? Whyyyyyy?
The fact they throw up a progression road block at level 65 is completely idiotic. Blizzard just can't let people have fun, this is about leveling and transmog and toys, not end game or gear.
Just like Blunderstorm, they have nerfed the fun. Was kind of hoping this would become the new way to level, but without major rework it is just a fail.
US also guilty of this genocide !! 😛💕