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How to get 5 LEVELS in just 2 hours in The War Within! (World of Warcraft)

I have stumbled upon one of the fastest ways to get levels in The War Within! With this World of Warcraft leveling method you can get 3 levels in just 5 minutes! The new delves system has not only added to the end game of Wow, but has provided a wonderful opportunity for leveling! No need to queue, group, or rush!

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  1. Gratz mate ! The video and the content are so nice and easy to understand, inspirefull* and seeing Delves is cool. ! Delves makes WoW even better , there is a bit hard delves like 10 and 11 bountiful but I'm already full 628+ Delves max upgraded gear and yes it is Harder than M+(keys players*) for solo Dps. Never forget to get a lil*gear up before going in 10s*+ or 11s , all kinds of potions,food,flasks etc. , all kind of gear for your class hehe and lots of luck ! WaxFace and Tomb-Raider* in 11s hits for 3.5M normal damage 😂 plate*

  2. …I've never noticed any parchments at the Delve inside it after entering that gives any Quests, not saying they aint there i just dont see how i have missed them so many times. Usually all there is , is Brann, the box to check and set his abilities and some NPC associated with Delve objective info but they dont give any " Quests", I'll check again later today.

  3. Nice video man, I have a bunch of alts at 70 and I didn't really touched delves yet so this sounds like a different interesting way to level at least one of them to 80…What classes do you think are the fastest for this method? Any tips on how to setup Brann to optimize the runs or it doesn't really matters? Thanks!

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