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*Early Access* ARCANE JINX Gameplay + Combos in Fortnite | Before You Buy!

Support a Creator: piz0 “With a zero”

Here is an early access review of the new League of Legends xFortnite collab Arcane Jinx! I came up with some creative themed back bling combos and as always, showcased gameplay of the skin, reactive test with the back bling and hit/swing test of the tool, enjoy!

Items in this bundle: Arcane Jinx, Jinx’s Dream Monkey, Pow Pow Crusher, Jinxed spray, Playground music pack, Katchoo! loading screen, Wreaking Havoc loading screen.

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#Fortnite #PIZO #EpicPartner

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PIZO is mainly a Fortnite YouTuber who focuses on reviewing and buying every new skin and any new cosmetic that comes out in the Fortnite Item Shop. PIZO made “Before You Buy” videos popular in Fortnite. He shows you gameplay, sound tests and visuals of new items in game!

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  1. Yes fortnite arcane league of legends l love it 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  2. Its admirable and amazing how popular league has blown up since dropping a Netflix series pertaining to a champions lore, Haven’t played league since the dinosaurs walked Earth but definitely a game i had no problem spending my life hours on 😂. Im 22 now & was gaming on league when i was 12-16 similar with fort BIG OG y2k17….ps i reeked havoc amongst men when i played with Nocturna & Kayn in the jungle, as you see i was a nerd & made noc my pfp&email ctfu

  3. Will Jinx ever be returning to the item shop? I recently started watching arcane and I’m in love! Jinx is my favourite character and I found out she was in Fortnite, but sadly I missed her event/ character, soo wondering if she will be back in the item shop.

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