Echo takes on Gallywix Mythic in the Liberation of Undermine Raid. Follow along and share the excitement of defeating Gallywix in Echo’s journey throughout The Race to World First in Liberation of Undermine.
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Thanks for watching everyone and special shoutout to all the Split Helpers, without you none of this would be possible!
Hope you all enjoyed the race! Until next time! <3
the fact that you guys killed it on pull 49 proves that you are something else, doesnt metter if its a world 2nd still better then 100 pulls in from w1
sick editing and raid, Congratz for the prog guys, infortunally the last boss not hard for maybe a catch up! gz
That intro was 🔥 and what is that song, stuck in my head now ❤
Que vida boa… mds…😢
Well played guys, I'm always in awe of your skill and tenacity.
Hm, if you would have known, Gally will fall over so early, you could have tried to push through the night…bit of a shame everyone got ripped of the real duel between Liquid and Echo. Feels bad man.
Would have been 100+ if not for copying Liquid. It's ok, keep going dark while you guys are #2
Is this guild called Echo because they copy the strat of #1 to be sure they are #2?
Does anyone know what the intro song is? I tried searching the lyrics up but no hits
What a joke this RWF
The downfall of echo no zaelia = no win.
Great job, guys!
World 2nd lol merica!!!!
Another tier where gingi couldnt exploit to win 😂 what a great day
Easy tier = early release wins 🥱
Nice Celebration! GJ! 😉
fking hell!! whatta intro! great job whoever made it!
Anyone know the songname in the beginning?
Really unfortunate what a massive disappointment this tier was
After seeing Stix and Lockenstock I had high hopes for a tight race where Liquid and Echo fight neck to neck on Gally
But then OAB just fell over, Mug'Zee was beyond bugged and overtuned and then THIS as a final boss
Man what an absolute letdown
So mugzhe was the real endboss.
Less than 50 pulls what a joke of a tier, literally no reaction from the boys
No thanks for split runners this rwf? Wow
this RWF was big F
Such a huge distinction from Echo and Liquid regardless of their placement. One enjoyed it for fun regardless of difficulty. The other only found disappointment and couldn’t appreciate it
After how many pulls ??
1 You guys played awesome! Always enjoy your professional manner and production.
2 Blizz fucked up the last boss. It was ridiculous and ruined this race.
3 You guys struggled on Mug'zee and that was the decider. 😭
4 Liquid played very well too. Its a pity we couldnt see a more head to head on the last boss.
You guys actually won… This Boss was a joke and this tier was a bigger joke
What was the point of the first nearly 3 minutes that we've already seen?
Someday blizzard will count with timing… youve won for us
I hope you guys win in the K'aresh raid tier
Who got Big G?
At least there's still other games for people that want hard content.
You guys will win next raid i believe!
Mugzee did echo in . Had they killed it early like they were supposed to it would’ve been a hell of a push to kill the shit end boss
Gratz Echo. Raid was enjoyable untill the endboss. Gallywix looked like a joke for a endboss tbh. Sad. Let´s hope the next one will not be such a dissapointment of a boss.
Great Video! 10/10!
this boss was a joke compared to stix 😂
Really good editing on the Intro and also the music over the course of the fight.
This is one of the fights of all time for sure (End Reaction sums it up lmao)