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Blizzards latest blog post about Housing tells us they have FFXIV firmly in their sights – and it looks like they have the design ammunition to prove it.
00:00 Player Housing Gameplay
01:58 Insane Levels of Freedom
04:34 Dyes are Finally Here!
05:43 Ikea Azeroth
07:29 The UI Looks Fantastic
09:24 Exteriors, Neighborhoods & More
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90$ bed soon
Oh great, so instead of using developer resources to make more content so we dont have 4 months of drought, they are now developing the way objects look in a room that you might only interact with a few times in your life … well done.
Player dies!?😮
I wonder if they’ll have a new profession for housing or implant the already existing ones….wood gathering, etc..
It's like using the "burning down the house" plugin in ffxiv, and I'm here for it!
Were is the Void Paladin! Give Alliance Elf Paladins!
So…. They updated City of Heroes base building with an easier interface.
If they do something like elder scrolls online and no mans sky building I'll resub. Unfortunately no mans sky doesn't have the pairing of objects but elder scrolls does and it allows you to build some pretty cool stuff…including adding npc's and creating pathing for them.
huh… Wildstar wants their housing back
Sadly, no one will care in 2-3 years. It will just be another abandoned feature. It's like Blizz does everything EXCEPT focus on making a massive open world experience, aka vanilla maps – what we all want
I understand some (or a lot of) people like this kind of stuff, but to me this is worthless. I want an alive world not a closed room, I don't understand the direction the game is taking. Instances upon instances, but everything else is empty.
I hop between the Sims amd wow, this is fkn huge for me!!!
They basically are exposing their internal tooling to players in, as you say, private instancing. Games like Guild Wars have such toolsets for their devs. It is exciting to see. Every system they build has a purpose and almost invariably leads to something else. Despite their glacial pace, it’s not hard to see the various systems released over the years involved in making this happen.
Imagine if you could just explore all around the map and "collect" any item found in the world by taking a "picture" or so. That surely would unlock exploring again
This fixes pvp how?
I miss Wildstar, housing there was so good, as well as many other things.
I recently found out GoG had to change the name of Homeworld: Cataclysm because of Blizzard's copyright on Cataclysm, despite Homeworld game coming out 10 years earlier.
Copyright law is a bad joke, just like modern Blizzard.
Player housing: the real MMO endgame
Player Housing reminds me of SWG builds
I REALLY hope they DONT bring dyes for armour. If you ever played any mmo with them you know people run around with the stupidest looking flashing bright armors and it ruins creativity.
Go log on guild wars and go see all the people in cities it looks disgusting.
I hope professions are heavily integrated with material requirements from all over.
for the low price of 20 bucks, 800% value
Why are you talking about player housing and showing the AH? I am so confused.
that aside, for everyone saying this is a win… what does player housing actually do? is WoW the Sims now?
I wonder if they will make a new profession called "carpentry" so we can build new funiture in the future.
Hope you and Matt are alright ❤
i would love to have npcs in my home that i can give AI LLM characteristics. Make my perfect home with my perfect draenai waifu.
What bugs me is how these games become "Spaghetti" code and essentially cannot be upgraded or touched properly. I get hindsight is 20/20 but is there no way to drop the code into AI and be like (Yo make this not spaghetti, make it a damn salad and fix this.)
If Blizzard plays their cards right, Midnight will finally be the expansion that gets me to subscribe again.
Rift has all of this, plus dyes for armor so how will it be different.?
I have those exact pair of glasses
Maybe wait to see if they can actually deliver on this before declaring a "win" Blizzard doesn't have the greatest track record as of late.
The housing system is very similar to GW2 not FFXIV.
crafting has been quiet because the "i have to get lost in a big city to find the only crafting table I'm allowed to use" is something I hoped was dead after burning crusade, and when they brought it back in DF they doubled down on the "and make your brain full" mess of mats you need to make anything at all.
I want crafting to feel like teamwork among people, not like failing highschool exams.
Praising this kindof housing system as "The best there is" is very disingenuous. Maybe that's true in the current market. but 20 years later and Star Wars Galaxies and Wildstar already did it so much better.
And this will be the complete content for the next expansion