After 15 Years, Goodbye World of Warcraft

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After 15 years, it is finally time for me to leave World of Warcraft. As a long time player, I feel that the game has changed so much over the years. And unfortunately, the game has clearly changed for the worse. This video is a story about my journey, and why I decided to quit after so many years.

With New World, FFXIV, Ashes of Creation, and Lost Ark around the corner, I believe there no better time as MMO player to begin exploring new adventures. I know some of you enjoy my World of Warcraft content, so I will still post relevant WoW related videos from time to time. But, until Blizzard begins making serious change; I will not be returning.

For a long time, I feel that I have hampered my channel’s growth. I pour my heart and soul into some of these videos, but sadly, I feel that my attention is best served elsewhere. I know this may be somewhat of a disappointment, but I have to stand for what I believe is right. And at this point, continuing to support Blizzard just feels wrong. Thank you all so much for everything. If this is the last time I hear from you, I greatly appreciated our time together. Who knows, maybe I will return someday. But for now, stepping away feels like my only option.

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  1. Just want to thank everyone so much for all of the support. For me, this was an extremely difficult personal decision. I have such a large attachment to this game. However, I don't think WoW is changing anytime soon. And I can't imagine spending another year of my life talking at what feels like a wall. If Blizzard begins making serious change in how the game is played, maybe I will return. I am not signing a blood contract by making this video LOL. But I can't continue recommending the game in it's current state. In the meantime, I'm looking forward to testing out other MMOs that might be interesting to you all. Also for those of you wondering, SoloQue is our guild name lol. Again thank you all so much; and if you want to follow me outside of YouTube, you can find me here:
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  2. Loved the journey you had and glad you got your life back together. I have to say I never supported your views and to this day I still think you are one of the creators who pushed WoW to go in the wrong direction by pushing Welfare Gladiator. Were there other rewards that could be placed for PvPers? Yes, but this push for all inclusivity and other easy game mechanics has lead to the state of the game right now. Legion was had its issues but it was the best time for PvP in a long time and listening to all these creators they made some terrible choices for BFA. Not a fan of you but appreciate you making content so people play WoW

  3. Nice vid bro! RIP to your father and shoutout to your mum for putting up the 15$ back in the day. Hope to see you back for classic hardcore if they decide to launch such a project on official blizz realms sometime.

  4. Its impossoble to fix. They would have to act against the remaining dogshit playerbaseto attract gamers back in ( yes current playerbase isnt gamers, its casuals)

  5. Osrs is were it's at brother, us players get a vote on the updates and new things added into the game. if you can see past the not so fancy looks of the game it really is the best game I've played in my life. HIGHLY RECOMMEND

  6. I quit wow as well in shadowlands after playing since classic, Wow was an amazing game but I felt like I had finally outgrown mmos and the grinds. I still get a bit nostalgic thinking about WoW and all the time I spent there.

  7. Thanks for sharing your story Stoopzz, I just recently found your channel while looking at Lost Ark content. I wish your channel good luck moving on to greener pastures, I for one will be watching all your Lost Ark coverage.

  8. You said it friend, you are no longer part of the target audience, I know is hard as hard as realizing you are no longer a hardcore player, I suffered the same recently, shifts in my life made me a casual gamer and now even if I love the MMORPGs I am unable to play them and enjoy it, there are so many walls in progression in mmos and grind walls that is impossible to me to get to see the actual content and only feels as you said like doing chores and is not fun anymore for me.
    MMO Games might be still fun but is fun for the new target audiences.
    I apreciate to see this kind of opinions, helps me realize that I dont have to stick to a game that no longer makes me happy, no matter if the game has been a long part of my life or the way to interact with my friends, If you are no longer happy with something and you cant do a thing about it then is better too move and look for something that fills your heart.
    Thanks friend and have a great journey wherever you decide to go.

  9. I totally agree with you @Stoopzz_TV WoW is not as it was back in like Cata or Pandaria, or heck even WoD. The game many of us liked back then is over, now they want to squeeze every single Dollar or Euro ( or whatever currency peoples use ) to make crappier chores of borrowed power systems and make us loose interest even more. To be honest if WoW would die by tomorrow, i not would feel depressed. If i could say, if Activision/Blizzard want to have better income, frankly would be better just make CGI Animation series of WoW from the Start till they not have any more ideas. Think about it if we could see Warcraft 1-2-3 and WoW full History in CGI series. I would love it, idk if i could say this for others too but i definitely want such thing to happen. Anyhow wish you the best in your left wherever it should lead you.

  10. Once BFA came out and I found myself unable to justify continuing playing… I still kept playing. Then the Blitzchung thing happened and I lost all will to continue. Every time I logged in I kept having this awful feeling in my gut. Now every time I even think about playing again I get that feeling. Good job, Blizz-Activision.

  11. YES, finally someone else is saying it. I quit in WoD and came back because i missed the pvp but all the Borrowed Power systems were a Shock. for several expansions they talked about leveling the playing field for pvp but now there is shit tons of disparity with gear and how much of the pve content you have done. The game feels like a slog now.

  12. To be fair if all the stuff thats come out in the last few months is true blizz was in so shape to be putting out more raids/more dungeons/more meaningful content and probably relilied pretty heavily on the player power progression systems to keep people busy while they scrambled to make stuff work behind the scenes

  13. see this was exactly my feeling a few years ago when i quit…or should i say banned for 6 months at a clip over n over……the game become such a chore..with dailies and all the dumb bs…..after doing 10 plus years of the same stuff over n over n over n over..i started to hate the game that i loved….i still loved gaming with my crew and raiding 3 times a week…looked forward to it every week those nights we spent progressing/gearing up was so much fun..and i met some awesome people…and at that point is was basically the only thing i enjoyed…so i started to use a bot to do my dailies and other bs that i DID NOT want to do anymore…after 10 years or more i was done with the chores….after a year of so of doing that..and just able to enjoy raiding i was back in love with wow tbh……then they started super ban hammering all bots no matter what it was for..i tried to get back into it doing it all by hand and just couldnt…as this video said…i was spending 80% of my time doin stuff i dread and i didnt want to do …it was more of a chore i forced myself to do then enjoying it and wanting to do it…at that time the main stays of my guild etc all quit… wow turned to this…i have great memories of this game….the insane time lost proto drake camps 3 of us did for like 4 weeks straight so all 3 of us had it…same with that mount in deep holm etc….i doubt this game will ever bounce back but ill always have found memories of some great times and great people i met playin this game… i still think time to time maybe i should jump on and try again…but i see the game has actually gotten worse….rip wow..ull always be in my heart

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