Milio Champion Spotlight | Gameplay – League of Legends

Let’s get warmed up! Meet your fiery, friendly fuemigos in the Milio Champion Spotlight.

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Milio Ability Rundown Page

Milio Champion Insights

Milio Champion Theme

Milio Champion Trailer

Milio Universe Bio:

Milio’s Super-Special Adventure Reports:

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  1. Flameo? I am sure the League of legends development team are Avatar the last air bender fans. Or coincidence. Although this is not the first reference in the game.

  2. I've only just now gotten wind of this champion thorough this spotlight.. never seen him before.. and I gotta say.. I hate him to the bone.. like not necessarily his abilities.. just his voice lines and design over all

  3. This is a great design. Each ability is easy enough to understand at face level, which is great, but using them well will be an interesting challenge. The bounce and knockback on his Q make it a simple ability with alot of depth, you could save it to interrupt channels from range, snub gank attempts, and harass enemies behind minions. The W allows for some interesting synergies with high-range ADCs, and managing its placement in a teamfight will be an important skill. The E is the simplest, but the charge system and ability to apply your passive will make who you choose to protect, and how much, an interesting dynamic. The ult is the ultimate choice. Do you use it to cleanse a crucial CC, or maximize the heal? Good players will make it do both. And of course, the passive is all-important. Good players will space out their abilities, both spatially and temporally, to maximize damage.

    All in all, a fantastic design, and a real breath of fresh air.

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