Skarner, Skins & Quick Play | Dev Update – League of Legends

Riot Brightmoon and Meddler talk about midscope updates, Skarner’s VGU, skins and thematics, and the Blue Essence Emporium. They’re also joined by game director Riot Pupulasers who shares how the dev team’s thinking about League’s future, including a first look at Quick Play, our proposed change to Blind Pick.

Check out the dev blogs on Rell’s midscope and Skarner’s VGU below.
/dev: The Midscope Process & Rell:
/dev: Skarner’s VGU:

0:00 – Intro
0:15 – Champion Updates
1:14 – Skarner
2:00 – Skins & Event Themes
2:58 – Blue Essence Emporium
3:30 – Long term plans
4:45 – 32-bit depreciation
5:20 – Outro

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  1. If only Skarner was focused on and not more stupid human champions to fit all of riots Diversity checkmark thanks for a boring Hispanic champion when amigos shouldnt even be in the game

  2. I think the main problem with skarner is his lore as well as his relationship with the other forces/factions in runeterra. I used to main skarner way back in the day and he was incredibly fun to play. His crystal spires were a major turnoff and is the main reason I quit playing him. The defending of his territory is an interesting idea but I think it seriously hampers his playability due to rather than being able to master his mechanics, I instead have to play a minigame based around keeping my spires in my hands. I think altering this to instead have to do with the ruby crystals and sapphire crystals in items would be something far more interesting. That is what I see so far. His minigame is aids especially in low tier ranked where teammates have no idea how to help me control the points…. Focus on streamlining his kit and focus on making him a true crystalline master. Not some minigame focused champion. (edit: I figured out a potential mechanic. Simply place ruby and sapphire crystals around the maps similarly to bard meeps. Then, have them additively stack where ruby crystals increase health/ad, and have the sapphire crystals increase mana/ap. I think this could be both fun and give him a unique scaling mechanic that keeps him both relevant as well as giving him buffs to help him with his main scaling issues. Bring the spammy scorpion back but add this mechanic to help with the scaling issues that have prevented him from being really viable and useful. the movement speed that he has combined with a strong jungle presence can really turn this into a strong and viable mechanic. You could call it unearthing crystals that add to his strength. What do you guys think?)

  3. Don't make any big reworks on any other champion in the future; launch a champion with similar kit instead.

    Why? I used to play old Akali, Volibear, Pantheon, Evelynn and Aatrox (RIP revive btw), now there's nothing similar to those champions in the game anymore 🙁

  4. The way they talked about Skarner and his people… yep, it's completely getting flipped. He might not even be a scorpion anymore, which is sad cause I'll sorely miss his Pokemon reference.

  5. The security/anti-cheat improvements sound great on paper if only they didn't decimate the linux community.

    I ve been successfully playing your game on Linux for more than a year now and I am not asking for an official client I am asking for roadblocks not to be thrown at Linux devs to overcome.

  6. Mordekaiser is in a desperate need of a midscope update. Ever since you made him feel like a tft champion that autoplays himself with 0 skill expression. Its so sad that you removed one of the most interesting characters gameplay wise and made him into ap garen.

  7. Skarner ideas: (probably pretty basic)

    Passive: For every poison stack skarner has on enemies, he gains 1 armor and 1 magic resistance for the duration. (Scaling with level).

    Q – Skarner strikes an enemy with his tail applying poison +ap ratios.

    W – Skarner doubles the armor and magic resistance from his passive and increases his movement speed for 12/3 seconds.

    E – Skarner dives into the ground, jumping out and colliding into enemies, every enemy hit applies his passive, lowering the cool down of his Q and slightly increases duration of his W.

    R – Skarner encases in crystals healing for the damage dealt by his passive, taking reduced damage but is unable to do any action for 4 seconds.

  8. If Skarner's new kit does not allow him to be a bruiser in some kind of way, be that physical or magical based(I don't care) I will be upset. Still to this day do I find the most satisfying way of playing Skarner being playing around sticking on your target and shredding them down with Qs, usually doing some kind of Triforce or Goredrinker bruiser build on him now a days.

  9. The fact that this man's slack is still using default preferences is disgusting. Y'all need to implement a policy so that default slack preference is banned

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