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How I Went from a COD Noob to Pro

I wanted to share with you how I improved in Warzone over the last two years. I went from an absolute bot to a 4+ KD player, and you can too with these tips.


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  1. Im rlly bad bc i just started today i played two games of warzone solos but i got off bc i have a game to go to for la galaxy in futbol but ur rlly good bro keep up the good work found my new wz creator

  2. Where can I find a advance guide I’m a 2kd resurgence / battle royal player. I have great movement, decent map knowledge, and great aim… im just curious what’s my next step from here, I’d like to become pro but I don’t know where I am at the progress bar and what I do next.

  3. pretty good video, i think i went threw that journey without realizing it. my brain goes into over drive once in a great great while and im capable of looking like a hacker. most of the time i feel to tired but a competitive spirit brings the best in me.

  4. Bro this video has described ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING I’m going through right now, I literally was starting to lose hope and love for the game. This video right here has given me the motivation to keep moving forward. Awesome video bro

  5. Being good at COD is what always motivated me to play. Took up quick scoping and even learned MnK. Feel like I get the best of both worlds being awesome at both. Sniping on MnK is unreal lol

  6. As a boy who goes to school, lives a normal healthy life and is also cracked on cod, i can say that i got this good by playing like 2 hours a day if not less, you just have to concentrate, understand your playstyle and learn the game, your not going to be level 28817582, but good

  7. Im used to playing hardcore since the og mw’s so i always lose gun fights. I could be the first to shoot and land shots but never could break armor and everyone breaks my armor in like 3 shots

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