Here are 10 pro player tips you can use in your games to help you win more and get better at Bo4 Blackout Battle Royale. What kind if other videos would you like to see for Black Ops 4?
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Im really enjoying this game! Whatre your thoughts right now?
Brawler is the best perk ever
hey random person scrolling, I love you.
Thx for the the help.
Talk to much
Bro!! I am absolutely terrible at #Blackout man. Ive got probably 10-15 hrs gameplay, and ove obly gotten 4-6 kills. Im still only rank 5-7. And I'm ALWAYS, playing catch-up when playing quads or duos. And I hate not gettong better at it man. Multiplayer ive "prestige" 2 and current rank 44 P2. Thats HC only though. I absolutely HATE "Core". Like I think 30 rds to the damn face is a bit much. Lol thx for tips though. GGs broski
Too many adds you greedy bastard
My favorite weapons are koshika and auger dmr
Thumbnail : Noob – 1 kill
God – 23
Me : Can’t even get one kill
jumping around like a bunny rabbit in game helps too, smh
I'm scared that's the exact rotation and movement that I did wtf help
Oh yea oh yea
Miles per hour you mean meters per second
Your profile pic looks like vexx
i just relized call of the dead is in blackout
I gave a thumbs down. Because you have four commercials in a ten minute bideo
I was about to unlock woods there were 12 other people then my game fucking crashed
The thumb nail that noob is better than me with 1 kill
Blackout is better than Fortnite like if agree
I struggle to get 1 win
Blackout >PUBG>fortnite
You can put a sensor dart on your vehicle. So when you drive around you see people around you in the sensor dart radius.
After my third commercial I'm out. Shitty tips
DUMB! 65mph on jump is shit man, need to be at 69-70mph before levelout at least
Now there is level 5 armor
Anyone why whenever i land i die?? Like i never find guns and the opposing player does it's so bs
Dead silence? Seems to be the most op perk in the game
most helpful video yet thanks
When you get a fifa commercial every 2,5 minutes and you almost saw more fifa than bo
There is split screen in blackout
This game is just trash an made for pc gamers fuck this game i t deleted it off my hard drive soon as i got RDR2 .
Is it just me or is Blackout really laggy?
I hate blackout because of the corner camping assholes who ruin it
I really enjoy playing this game with my friends even if I just play a few rounds.
Great videos man. I'll be for sure using the tips in this video. I wish I could get my channel to grow as well as this channel has. Any advice?
In this kind of games having skills aren't everything, you just need to be extra alert and smart
Can anyone help me get a win on ps4 my user is N1gHtM4Re203 if u want to help send friend request or meesage
Every single time i play blackout mode i always die :(( i suck at blackout