Call of Duty

Call of Duty: Ghosts – Best Guns to Use with Deadeye Perk (COD Ghost Tips and Tricks Class Setups)

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  1. Hey Nice Trick… But i have a question. My Perks allow me to use upto 8 perk points
    so if i use 
    DeadEye = 5 perk Points
    Ready Up = 1 perk point
    Sleight of Hand = 2 perk points
    QuickDraw = 3 perk points

    The total is 11 perk points …. Do do you do this….. I play on PS4, have also played on PS3… but can't have the perks setting like you…

    Please guide.

  2. I am a good player and I always get 1 or 2 off positive coz everyone uses youtube class set ups like this, T, please make videos that don't make it impossible to play the game, keep at the YouTube stuff though, you're doing well. It's just annoying when everyone runs around like their heads been chopped off with most OP things in the game!

  3. Bro tell other people to do that that perk is already overpowered now your gonna make it overuse wow im already pissed how shit looking the maps are and how campy  it is —

  4. So they basically turn into the SCAR from MW2? I personally feel like the ARX gets the most out of dead eye. It has a higher rate of fire and when I put dead eye on it, it almost reminds me of the ACR from MW2. I figure the faster it shoots the more chances you get to have dead which gives the gun a higher dps, which in turn gives it a lower ttk. I would also think that a lot of the fast firing smgs would be good with dead eye. I don't use LMGs that much but I think the Chainsaw has a rapid fire attachment and I think that and dead eye would be very good combination

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