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What gun were u using in the video
what gun is that
Actually, R5 Remington is the best weapon to use for Deadeye, because it has the longest 42 dmg range for ARs. Derp. TardmarTn
MSBS is amazing with it
Dead eye with ripper is so good 2 shots at close range 2 shots at Medeam range and 3 shots at
Hey Nice Trick… But i have a question. My Perks allow me to use upto 8 perk points
so if i use
DeadEye = 5 perk Points
Ready Up = 1 perk point
Sleight of Hand = 2 perk points
QuickDraw = 3 perk points
The total is 11 perk points …. Do do you do this….. I play on PS4, have also played on PS3… but can't have the perks setting like you…
Please guide.
Whats the f*cking class setup
Arx 160 works fine also I got one to two shots on a 7 to8 streak because the longer you go the more bullets become dead eye bullets
This helped me so mutck I didn't know what wepons to use for it
Nice tips for big noobs whats this bullshit class setup ??
So much CALCULATION!!!!!
in my opinion the honey badger with deadeye=best gun in game by far
I love how anyone who doesnt devote their life to a fucking game is called a 'try hard'
Get a life,
Great vid 't
I am a good player and I always get 1 or 2 off positive coz everyone uses youtube class set ups like this, T, please make videos that don't make it impossible to play the game, keep at the YouTube stuff though, you're doing well. It's just annoying when everyone runs around like their heads been chopped off with most OP things in the game!
79-2 ak12 strike zone Dom
Bro tell other people to do that that perk is already overpowered now your gonna make it overuse wow im already pissed how shit looking the maps are and how campy it is —
I have more swag than your hair
So they basically turn into the SCAR from MW2? I personally feel like the ARX gets the most out of dead eye. It has a higher rate of fire and when I put dead eye on it, it almost reminds me of the ACR from MW2. I figure the faster it shoots the more chances you get to have dead which gives the gun a higher dps, which in turn gives it a lower ttk. I would also think that a lot of the fast firing smgs would be good with dead eye. I don't use LMGs that much but I think the Chainsaw has a rapid fire attachment and I think that and dead eye would be very good combination
Please tell me I'm not the only person that thought of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy when Trev mentioned 42…
Deadeye is half for me neacuase I stash up on perks
thanks bro il tryit!!!!
So… if you get a headshot and a deadeye bullet upclose to someone… is it ever possible to one-shot someone?
What about the r5?
When you said 42 I thought it was a lost reference
I found the msbs to be best with deadeye
Can you do some good deadeye classes?
Chain saw!?!
The arx is pretty Damn beastly with muzzle break, armor piercing, and deadeye. Try it out. Only thing is long range not that great still cause of recoil.
Tmartn, did you k ow that on Tremor you can push the yellow trash can to the stairs on the side of the building? I just found that out today
That last sentence thoug haha
Please do best guns with silencer
I use it as 1st perk w specialist always have
By his logic, the Remington is the best with deadeye lol. More range than the ak, and same damage