Going over some tips for how to level up fast in Black Ops 3, allowing you to rank up fast to Master Prestige!
In this video we are discussing:
-The best way to maximize experience with Weapons
-The Importance of changing up your gear, specialist, etc.
-The best game-type for leveling up fast

33 23 Less than a minute
How I know what level I'm
I'm master prestige!
On safeguard use the HCXD, cheap and kills everyone on the robot
Just play Ground War. Game modes will be switched out on their own. Not to mention it's just the the COOLEST THING EVAH
anyone use the gorgon
Omg Ik I'm just commenting now but still this vid is so so so so helpful for me thank u!!
like the game ……
Great video
I work on gold for each gun then move on
I think the best way is using the ripper on uplink when you have the ball and get a kill with your ripper you get 300 xp per kill
I always hate those people that play safe guard going 60:7 with 0 movement on the robot and then when we lose say it's our fault while we have 75% movement on it and our kd is .25
Did anyone see Psyche? 3:32 . Its actually the electrocution logo.
ok body we no that will help ok ok next vido you make tell the truth
Thanks for sharing 🙂 very helpful!
My strategy is:
Game Mode- Chaos Moshpit (Nuk3town)
Gun- SMG- Extended Mags, Quickdraw, Extra attachment if you want
Perks- Flak Jacket and/or Sixth Sense, Scavenger or Fast Hands, Gung-Ho or Tactical Mask
Lethals- Any
Tacticals- Any
Secondary- Any, maybe a pistol or launcher
Strategy- Rush hard and don't worry about K/D as no one can see it. Play the objective and focus on winning.
Scorestreaks- UAV, CUAV, HATR or Hardened Sentry, Wraith, RAPS
Hope this works for you!
best game type for fast xp safeguard pc is dead for safeguard
hp and kc is faster….. sorry. you say you will always be having 1 obj on this but if you just play objective on HP it's faster..
Safeguard huh, thanks for the tip. I've only played one game of it and did well. I'll play it more often now.
Just stumbled across your Chanel, love your content keep it up
just play kill confirmed…you pick up so many tags from your own kills and other peoples kills as well
I've been having much better luck with leveling up quickly in gun game. Part of it may be due to the fact that people are jumping on and leaving their character but at the same time when rookie are playing the matches don't take long and I get more kills since its every man for themselves. I didn't notice much of any boost in ground war
All you have to do is spawn camp. It's apparently super easy in this game and happens in almost every match.
Thank you, I never thought of it like this.
Have you tried chaos moshpit? Playing on nuk3town,sense it's so small, actually ends up giving you loads of kills which obviously results in xp.
Switch up score streaks as well
Finally a good guide a lot better than most, explanations truly made it great.
Safeguard is a 20 minute game mode, so in that time you could get 2 domination games done and get more xp
Literally everyone on the opposite team from you was a downy wtf
Thanks this vid helped a lot
Go for the 500 kills with the gun and just prestige the weapon so you can gain the xp for attachments again
I kinda wish they brought back momentum. That was fun in advanced warfare.
also pro tip: prestiege your guns and go for gold camo on all the guns. gold and diamond camo net you 5k xp so if you get all you smgs gold that like a 30k xp drop when you get them all to gold and after that last gun goes gold thats another 30k xp drop instantly for getting diamond
why do people even bother playing team d? you can rack up so many more kills in dom or hardpoint or even kill confirmed