Call of Duty

How to POWER LEVEL in Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Tips to Reach Master Prestige FAST!

Going over some tips for how to level up fast in Black Ops 3, allowing you to rank up fast to Master Prestige!
In this video we are discussing:
-The best way to maximize experience with Weapons
-The Importance of changing up your gear, specialist, etc.
-The best game-type for leveling up fast

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  1. I always hate those people that play safe guard going 60:7 with 0 movement on the robot and then when we lose say it's our fault while we have 75% movement on it and our kd is .25

  2. My strategy is:

    Game Mode- Chaos Moshpit (Nuk3town)
    Gun- SMG- Extended Mags, Quickdraw, Extra attachment if you want
    Perks- Flak Jacket and/or Sixth Sense, Scavenger or Fast Hands, Gung-Ho or Tactical Mask
    Lethals- Any
    Tacticals- Any
    Secondary- Any, maybe a pistol or launcher
    Strategy- Rush hard and don't worry about K/D as no one can see it. Play the objective and focus on winning.
    Scorestreaks- UAV, CUAV, HATR or Hardened Sentry, Wraith, RAPS

    Hope this works for you!

  3. I've been having much better luck with leveling up quickly in gun game. Part of it may be due to the fact that people are jumping on and leaving their character but at the same time when rookie are playing the matches don't take long and I get more kills since its every man for themselves. I didn't notice much of any boost in ground war

  4. also pro tip: prestiege your guns and go for gold camo on all the guns. gold and diamond camo net you 5k xp so if you get all you smgs gold that like a 30k xp drop when you get them all to gold and after that last gun goes gold thats another 30k xp drop instantly for getting diamond

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